2003 All My Children Predictions From The TV MegaSite
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2003 AMC Rumors & Predictions

11/3/03 by Eric

I hear AMC is recasting Bobby Warner...

9/23/03 by Niki

Bianca did not go through with the abortion like everyone thinks and she will not tell anyone for a while. Ryan continues to hide out. Greenlee gets closer to Jack. Who killed Cambias? Everyone is a suspect but it was Carlos and Juan Pablo who did it. Kendall wants that building because there is something in there she wants or wants to look through Michael's stuff. Kendall will be arrested for Michael's murder but she didn't do it and Boyd will be her alibi.

9/22/03 by Suzanne

Michael was killed accidentally by Kendall (or in self defense).  Boyd helped her cover it up by hiding the body and then, posing as Michael, boarded a plane to Vegas with Kendall so that Michael's disappearance was explained and so she would get Fusion and Enchantment.  Someone else planted the drugs.

8/14/03 by Niki

William De Vry will be exiting AMC.

Maggie and Bianca will get together

Greenlee will end up with Ryan in the end

7/24/03 by Niki

Bianca will end up pregnant by Michael and hide it because everyone knows she is gay and she doesn't want them to figure out he raped her. She will have a total breakdown. Erica's wedding will not happen. Greenlee finds out Jack is her father and will not speak to her mother because of it. The mystery guy will show up and Mia, Simone, Greenlee, and Kendall will be shocked that he is the same guy they have all been talking about then they will all fight over him saying they seen him first.

7/20/03 by Shahla

• Greenlee, Simone and Kendall will all end up dating the same handsome stranger. They’ll get very competitive when they realize they’re all interested in the same man. Mia will be the only one who won’t be interested in him, and while the rest of the girls are fighting, she’ll concentrate on getting closer to Aidan.

• Michael will scare Bianca into keeping her mouth shut about the rape.

• David will make it his mission to help Bianca. He will finally get her to come to the clinic for some tests. David will realize that Bianca is pregnant, but Bianca will make him swear to not say anything to anyone. David will try to convince Bianca to have the baby and to then give it to him. He’ll tell Anna that they still have a chance to save the marriage by bringing home another child.

• Bianca will continue to push Lena away because she will feel like she’s not good enough for Lena’s love. Lena will be heart-broken, but will still be determined to find out what’s bothering Bianca. She will suggest to Bianca that they go off to Prague for a while and get away from all the madness. Bianca will consider going away with Lena and secretly having her child abroad.

• Greenlee will find the letter Mary wrote for Jackson. She will tell Jackson and will convince him to wait and see if Erica tells him the truth.

7/13/03 by Shahla

• Greenlee will think that Mary is trying to get together with Jackson so she can find another father for her daughter. She will not realize that Jackson is really her biological father.

• Jackson won’t understand what’s going on and he will confront Mary. Erica will desperately try to steer Jackson away from Mary. Before the end of the week, however, Jackson and Mary will finally meet and Jackson will know the truth. Jackson will want to postpone the wedding because he’ll feel like Erica is untrustworthy.

• Kendall won’t be able to take her mother’s sadness and will get together with Erica to try to drive Mary out of town.

• Bianca will tell her mother that Michael raped her. She will have a hard time coping with the rape and will become even more distant with Lena. Erica will blame Lena for bringing Michael into their lives.

7/12/03 by Niki

Mia will hook up with Aidan. Liza and Tad will give in to their passion for each other. Michael will end up dead by Erica's hand. Erica will start treating Kendall like a real daughter and Bianca will get jealous and turn to Lena for comfort. Anna will try to work out things with David but he will get revenge on Tad. Simone and Carlos will start going out. Ryan comes back and Kendall and Greenlee will fight over him. Greenlee with start going out with Ryan just to make Carlos jealous. Kendall will quit her job because Greenlee betrayed her, and Kendall will go to work with Erica.

7/4/03 by Shahla

• Carlos will desperately try to move on from Greenlee. He’ll start
hitting on other girls, which will of course make Greenlee very jealous.
Greenlee will blame Simone for their break-up, and will accuse her of
trying to have Carlos all to herself.

• David and Anna will try to piece their lives back together. His constant run-isn with the Martins will make it hard for him to move on.

• Mary will try to clear her record so she can be with Jackson again. Of all people, she will turn to Michael for help.  Michael will promise her that he will get Erica to stand down. He’ll tell Erica that if she doesn’t get him out of prison, and get Lena deported,
he’ll tell Jackson the truth about Greenlee being his daughter. Erica will have to fend off both Michael and Mary. She’ll turn to Kendall for help, who will try to drive Mary out of town in order to gain her mother's love.

• A love triangle will form between Aidan, Kendall and Mia. Boyd will come into the picture again and will make things even more complicated.

6/27/03 by Shahla

*Jackson will find out that Greenlee is his daughter. He’ll be angry with Erica for keeping the news from him.

*Carlos will discover that Greenlee was blackmailing Mrs. Lacey. He will be very disappointed and will go tell Mrs. Lacey that Greenlee doesn’t know anything about their little secret. Mrs. Lacey will apologize to Erica for moving her products and will promise to stop doing business with Fusion.

*Erica will try to befriend Greenlee and will help her make some good business moves. She will try to take place as Greenlee’s mother and keep Jackson happy. However, Mary will stick around and make things very difficult for Erica.

*Mia will seduce Michael and will try to get him to confess that he framed Lena. Things won’t go according to plan, and Mia will get trapped alone with Michael. Aidan will rescue Mia and the incident will make them closer. Sparks may fly!

*Henry will play at SOS and will dedicate a song to Maggie. Maggie will forgive Henry and they’ll kiss and make up. Maggie will agree to take the internship at the hospital and will end up working side by side with Maria.

6/21/03 by Shahla

Maria will begin working at the hospital again. She will eventually discover that Greenlee was Jackson’s donor and will tell Jackson the truth. Jackson will be overwhelmed and will want to meet with Mary and Greenlee. He’ll tell Erica that he wants to postpone the wedding until he can figure things out.

Erica will certainly not take things lying down and will try her best to drive Greenlee and Mary out of town. She won’t help Kendall with Fusion’s inventory shortage, and will instead market her products to Smudge and try to damage Fusion’s reputation. As for Mary, Erica will try to get all the dirt on her that she can. She will discover that Carlos used to be Mary’s pool boy and that Mary had once tried seducing him. Erica will make the affair public and will desperately try to make people see how crooked Mary is. Greenlee will end up getting hurt the most – she’ll lash out at both Carlos and Mary.

Kendall and Boyd will become closer, but just then Ryan will return to Pine Valley. The Fusion girls will go absolutely gaga over him and will make him Fusion’s sexiest man. Kendall will try to keep Ryan away from the girls, and she will end up losing Boyd in the process.

Ah yes…David. Well, David will try to prove that Joe is unfit to run the hospital. He will conjure up a drug and give it to Joe. Joe will get really sick, and perhaps lose his memory. Anna and David will continue to have a rocky relationship, and once again Anna will have to choose between the law and her husband.

Bianca will forgive Lena and they’ll become a happy couple. Greenlee will ask Lena to return her favor by helping Fusion. She’ll threaten to have her fired from her grandfather’s company if she doesn’t help. Bianca will make Lena feel guilty for working against Enchantment once again.

Michael will take advantage of the war between Enchantment and Fusion. Adam will try to stop him, but Michael will threaten to hurt Colby if he doesn’t play along.

4/2/03 by Shahla

Jackson will recover from his gun shot wound. Erica will propose he stay with her until he fully recovers. She will realize how much she loves him and will pursue a relationship. Reggie’s testimony will put Luis in jail, although it was Flanders who really shot Jackson. Chris will stay quiet about the whole affair, not wanting to implicate himself in any way. Later on, Jackson will pursue the case and find out it was really Flanders who shot him. He will make it his mission to put Chris and Flanders behind bars. This will cause ripples in his new love life with Erica. Erica and Kendall will get together and frame Michael. They will finally become friends, but not business partners. Erica will find out that Lena had been involved with Michael. She will demand Bianca to stay away from her. Bianca won’t listen and will continue her relationship with Lena. Lena will confess to everyone and will be in the clear. Carlos will make it big in the art world. He and Greenlee will be in a real relationship. Edmund and Mia will continue seeing each other. Maria will get her memory back, but won’t forget the present. She’ll pretend she doesn’t have her memory back and will continue her relationship with Aidan. She’ll slip one day and Edmund will realize she has her memory back. Things will get very complicated for her.

3/5/03 by Eva

After Adam finds out about Tad and Liza's kiss he will leave town for a while Tad will be involved in a love triangle with both Mia and Liza. Kendall will dump Michael after she finds out he has been sleeping with Lena as well as using her to take over enchantment. Greenlee will find out her secret admirer is Carlos. Maggie and Henry's relationship will be tested when his parents don't approve of her Jamie will become like his father when he dates both Joanie and Laurie. This will cause a rift between he and JR Edmund will be accused of murdering Aiden. Maria will get her memory back Kendall and Boyd will pursue a romance after he mends her broken heart

1/31/03 by Glynis

I think that Mia will find out about Jake screwing around and then dump him. He really does love her but she can’t believe him as the second that she has something to do, he screws around on her.

She is really happy as she was feeling that she didn’t want to be with him anyway. His screwing around has given her an out.

1/19/03 by Suzanne

*David will lose contact with Anna and go to find her.  They will get involved in a mystery abroad.  She will have a healthy baby.

*Greenlee will fall for Boyd; she and Kendall will fight over him.

*Trey will work hard to clean up his reputation; he and Jenelle will get involved.

*Lysistrata will get a new look, thanks to Greenlee & Liza.

*Jake will be recast.  He and Mia will have problems.  She will become a workaholic.  Jake may date Simone.

*Erica and Chris will finally get married but his ex-wife will show up, causing problems (since Erica didn't know he had one).

*Bianca will finish school elsewhere.

*Maggie will fall hard for Henry but there will be complications.  Their love will get in the way of their studying for school.

Page updated 10/18/10

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