2007-2009 All My Children Predictions From The TV MegaSite
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2007-2009 AMC Rumors & Predictions

By Suzanne 1/16/09

  • Josh will die and Kendall will get his heart.
  • Greenlee will die on Valentine's Day, thanks to Annie.
  • Aidan will blame himself for Greenlee's death.
  • Ryan will vow revenge against Aidan.
  • Kendall will blame Zach for Josh's death and grow closer to Ryan.
  • Tad and Adam will work together against David.
  • Dr. Sinclair is working for Zach.

By Michelle  12/12/08

  • Reese has another secret, but what is it? She is falling for Zach.
  • Ryan and Greenlee will get back together after realizing he can take care of his daughter and still have a relationship.
  • Krystal and David will get caught in an awkward situation by Tad.
  • Amanda is going to fall hard for J.R.

By Suzanne 8/13/08

Adam becomes depressed. Krystal still longs for Adam. Kendall and Zach find more hints that Annie is nor acting herself. Carmen is Randi's sister.

By Eva & Gisele 4/13/08

It is rumored that the next GL actor looking for better working conditions at ABC, including more money, security, and nicer dressing rooms, is Brian Gaskill (Dylan) who will leave in June and return to AMC as Bobby Warner.  The son of Cliff Warner and Sybil Thorne, he was adopted by Nina Cortlandt Warner who had another son with Cliff, Michael. Bobby was a rebellious teen in love with Anita Santos but the father of Sam Grey (with Kelsey Jefferson) who Edmund and Maria adopted. He and Anita went to college in Chicago and eventually married, but he had an affair so Anita left him. Played by Christian Campbell, Bobby returned in 2004 working at The Seasons Casino, tried to get his wife back and failed, because of his shady business dealings. After they divorced, he disappeared in January 2005, with $1,000,000 of Edmund Grey's money in exchange for incriminating information against Zach Slater. After Edmund died, Maria told Sam that his Uncle Bobby is his father. When it was discovered that Jonathan had killed Edmund, Sam wanted to kill him but Julia stopped him.  Once his romance with Lily was over, because of her friendship with Jonathan, Sam decided to join Maria and sister Maddie in California, where they've been living to be close to Hayley and Mateo.

By Johnny 1/9/08

Rumors are that Dixie is returning and will reunite with Kathy and perhaps Tad.  David Hayward will be blamed for Dixie's faked death.  Greenlee will get back together with Ryan. Annie will leave town or die. Tad will not be hooking up with Julia.  Jack and Erica will reunite.  Once Tad and Dixie get Kate back, Julia will leave the show. Alicia Minshew wants to leave the show. Greenlee and Kendall will leave town in a year. Leven Rambin (Ava/Lily) will be leaving when her contract is up.  J.R. and Babe will leave town together at some point (Jacob Young wants to leave the show).  Skye may return.

By Johnny 12/12/07

I keep on reading rumors that Sabine Singh (Greenlee) is OUT and rumors that Rebecca Budig will be returning sometimes in 2008. I read there are news or rumors about some past member returning to AMC in 2008.

By Suzanne 9/24/07

Wes is really Richie.  The whole thing was a setup to get Wes into the lives of Annie's friends.

Greenlee will save Annie's life.  Ryan and Annie will be appalled at Kendall's plan for revenge against Greenlee.  Babe will be killed or mortally wounded by Wes/Richie.  Krystal will reunite with Adam.  Tad will be against it and fight for custody of Jenny.  J.R. and Amanda will have a big fight when he spends too much time with Ava.  Jonathan will agree to get funds for J.R.'s company so that he can keep an eye on J.R. and Ava.  Tad will date Julia.

By Gisele 4/18/07

When Alexander Cambias, Sr., is murdered, just about everyone in Pine Valley will have a motive and an opportunity to have killed him, including Jonathan, Ryan, Zach, Kendall, Josh, Aidan, Tad, Jamie, Del, Di, Amanda, Babe, J.R., Hannah, Derek, and maybe even Dr. Joe.

By Suzanne 4/4/07

Janet will kidnap Krystal's baby to help out Adam.  Brooke will be seen again to wrap up her story.  Brooke, Babe and Jamie will leave town later this year.  Adam and Krystal will reunite after Janet's terrorizing.  Tad will still be godfather.  Annie and Ryan will get married but have many problems.  Ava and Lily will not get along.  Sean will fall hard for Ava, but she will be more interested in Jonathan or Aidan.  Colby will use every trick to keep Sean for herself.  Dani will return.  Kendall will get jealous of Zach and Hannah.  Babe tries to work things out with Josh but can't forget J.R.  J.R. works hard to woo Babe back to him.

By Fran 3/12/07

Tad falls in love with Hannah Nichols, Ethan's mother.  Something will happen with Krystal's pregnancy.  I don't want her to lose the baby, but I do want it to be Adam's.  Wouldn't that be great?  If Adam blows up at everyone and then later finds out that the baby IS his!!!  Talk about having to eat crow.

By Suzanne 2/23/07

Zach's father will kidnap kidnap Kendall and almost kill her.  Zach will end up having to kill his father.

Eventually, Bianca and Zoe will marry.

Thanks to Dani, Derek will learn to accept and befriend Zoe.

Adam will find out Krystal's secret and torture Tad, and not forgive J.R. or anyone else for keeping it from him.

By Suzanne 1/6/07

Zarf is really Zach's brother (they share the same mom). Or is that sister?

Page updated 10/18/10

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