Port Charles Predictions From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Predictions Page


Port Charles Predictions and Rumors

11/15/05 by Suzanne

From various websites:  It's rumored that Kelly Monaco (Sam) has been approached to star in her own VH1 reality show.

9/24/03 by Niki

Chris will follow Elizabeth to the cabin because he will be jealous even though he doesn't show it. Jamal will get sick from Imani scratching him. That cop will follow Jack and Jack will lead him right to Jamal and Imani. Lucy tries everything she can to help Ian and get him to come home. Chris goes on his date but can't stop thinking about Elizabeth. Caleb bit Alison when they were in the barn making love and the twist at the end will be that Alison is a vampire and is marrying a slayer. She doesn't have symptoms because she is with a slayer. Caleb will get revenge or try on everyone. He is going to torture Livvie and is not sincere about his marriage proposal. He plans to hurt her.

9/15/03 by Niki

Livvie will try to make Caleb jealous so he will take her back. Alison will keep her night with Caleb a secret but it will make her have a breakdown. Elizabeth and Chris will argue and pretend they don't like each other and then share a kiss. Lucy tries to talk sense into Ian and tell him it's not right to just leave her. Jack will continue to mess with Livvie. Rafe will think that the only reason Alison is acting funny because of him going to hell. Ian will try to stay away from everyone and push everyone he loves away. Chris will find a vampire cure that is not harmful.

9/13/03 by Niki

Jamal finds out that Imani is a werewolf. Ricky finally lets Casey go and starts a relationship with Reese. Elizabeth and Chris finally admit their feelings for each other. Alison finds out she is pregnant and is scared it might be Caleb's. Livvie finds out she is pregnant too and knows it's Caleb's even though it could be Jacks.

Alison breaksdown over her being with Caleb and she finally tells Rafe about it and about the baby. Rafe is enraged at Caleb but he is not mad at Alison because he knows the power of the ring and that it wasn't her fault. Alison finds out the baby is Rafe's. Livvie finds out her baby is Caleb's and he forgives her and takes her back because he can't live without her.

Alison and Rafe get married. Chris comes up with a vampire cure for Ian and Jamal and Livvie and Caleb decide that they don't want to be vampires anymore now that she is pregnant so they take the cure because they want to just have a normal life and raise their child. Everyone has a truce and drops everything and lets the past be the past.

And the gift is NO MORE VAMPIRES!

8/23/03 by Niki

Imani comes back and Jamal is very suspicious about her so he tries to find out the truth. Chris will finally have the cure all ready and turn Ian and Jamal back into mortals. Elizabeth and Chris admit their feelings about each other. Kevin will recover and be able to walk but will pretend he can't just to be around Lucy. Reese will keep pursuing Ricky but will not succeed because he only wants Casey. Alison and Rafe continue their war against Caleb. Caleb will find the bug in his house and will be outraged at Alison because he really thought that they were friends and he could trust her. It will hurt him but since he doesn't show his emotions, he will pretend he is mad instead of hurt. Livvie will get the ring and will use it for bad and it will backfire on her like always.

8/12/03 by Niki

Jamal will find out that Imani is a vampire, she will beg him not to tell anyone. Lucy will start falling back in love with Kevin. Kevin will get the feeling back and be able to walk but he will pretend he can't just to stay close to Lucy. Chris and Elizabeth will fall in love with each other but won't admit it. Alison will keep taking up for Caleb and it will come between her and Rafe. Caleb will stay mad at Livvie and Livvie will blame it on Alison like always. Reese will get fed up with Ricky for talking to Casey, whom Reese can't see, and think he is crazy and tell someone and they will try to get him to get some help. Alison and Caleb will become closer and Livvie will go postal about it and all of Alison's friends will keep on and on about her and Caleb and tell her she needs to stay away from him.

8/6 /03 by Niki

At the fashion show, Caleb's song will put whoever has the ring (Kristina) in a trance so he can find out who has it but Livvie will set a fire at the same time and during all this commotion, Kristina will lose the ring and Ricky will pick it up. Everyone will be rushing to get out of the building and so Caleb will not know who has the ring. He will see Kristina in a trance but when they look for the ring she will not have it anymore. Caleb will get mad at Livvie for causing trouble and blame her for not getting his ring back. Rafe and Alison will continue to argue over all of this and it will push Alison and Caleb closer together. Ian will pull away from Lucy after hearing what Kevin said because he will think it is best for everyone if he is not in the picture. Ricky will wish that Casey would come back and stay and his wish will come true because of the ring. Reese will get jealous and try to cause Casey problems.

7/30/03 by Beth

Christina will find the ring during the picnic. She'll be delighted to find that her little wishes are coming true, and she'll make some doozies.

7/24/03 by Niki

Imani is really a werewolf and she came to Port Charles to get away from them but they are following her and will come to Port Charles too. The ring will be passed around before Caleb gets it back. Next person to end up with the ring will be Ricky and he will wish for Casey to come back and she will get to come back and stay this time. Caleb and Rafe will find out Imani's secret and will have to fight werewolves together. Livvie and Alison will kinda patch things up because both of their men will be working together against the werewolves.

7/24/03 by Beth

Lucy will again be torn between the two men in her life. Ian will see what's happening and bow out, but not without some serious soul searching. Kevin and Lucy will eventually get back together and live at the lighthouse.

Imani will be revealed to be a werewolf running from her pack. That would explain the noises outside her window and her frantic attempt to keep them out.

7/22/03 by Niki

I think Imani will turn out to be an angel. That's why Rafe recognizes her, from heaven.

7/12/03 by Niki

Predictions: Alison and Caleb will become closer and they will make love. Alison will become pregnant and not know who the father of her baby is. Livvie and Rafe will find out and Livvie will try to kill Alison. Kevin will be his old self again and Lucy will be confused about her feelings for him. She will be torn between Kevin and Ian. Frank will self-destruct and try to destroy the people around him over Karen's death. Jamal will go to far in using Caleb's ring and something bad will happen to him. Jamal will lose the ring and Jack will find it.

Rumors: Rumor has it that NBC is thinking about picking up Port Charles and moving it to their network because they have a 30 minute time spot they need to fill, it would cost more money to create a new soap, and they're into the supernatural anyway. They also said they have talked about it for months with ABC but ABC was hesitant about it. It is also rumored that ABC only told Erin Hershey Presley (Alison), Brian Presley (Jack), and Nolan North (Chris), that they would be the only ones to go to General Hospital.

3/9/03 by Eva

Since Caleb is in love with Tess, Livvie will only come back if Rafe finds a way to use the healing spring to make vampires human. Once Caleb becomes human, he will live happily with Tess as a rock star, but will still cause trouble for PC residents. Rafe and Alison will get married, and with no more vampires to fight, he will become a self defense instructor and own his own gym. After helping the PC residents rid the town of vampires, Casey will become human and live happily with Ricky. Case will become a cop. A new man will enter Karen's life causing the breakup of her relationship with Frank. Frank will once again fall for a damsel in distress, Elizabeth, when he protects her against Joshua. Frank will develop a gambling problem. The healing spring will heal Kevin of the effects of the drug Livvie gave him. Once Kevin is back to normal Lucy will be torn between Kevin and Ian. We will discover that Reese is Alison's sister, and Jack and Reese will have a hot and steamy relationship. Eve will return to PC.

1/19/03 by Suzanne

Livvie will be in great danger physically from what Caleb did to her, so he and Jack will have to work together to save her.  Even though they both risk losing her.  Kevin will be the one to save her, with help from Ian.

Stephen will have to sacrifice, turning himself into a human again (not a vampire).  Elizabeth and Ian will revert to being human as well.

Rafe will have to find a new way to live without hunting vampires and also he'll have to put up with seeing Caleb around town even more.

2002 Predictions

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Page updated 8/21/14

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