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The Days of Our Lives Predictions & Rumors Page

What Might Happen on DOOL!

Rumors by Suzanne 7/19/22

It's rumored that Will Utay (Dr. Rolf) has had a stroke, and that's why another actor is taking over his role. We hope it's not true but wish him the best!

There is a lot of speculation about who killed Jennifer. We think it's probably Orpheus or Evan. Others are too obvious. Many seem to think it's Sarah, Leo, or Kristen.

Someone else besides Abby is supposed to die. Speculation is that it's Jake and that Stefan will return. Other speculation includes Victor, Rafe or Paulina. I think it could be Belle.

Many sites are saying that Robert Scott Wilson (ex-Ben) will be returning as Alexander Kiriakis.

Rumors by Suzanne 1/7/17

There are rumors that the show will be canceled because of a new talk/news show with Megyn Kelly, but it appears to be mostly speculation. DOOL is up for renewal in January. These rumors appear periodically. But just in case, please do write to Days of Our Lives and NBC to let them know how much you love the show and not to cancel it! They do read fan emails and letters.  If you're between 18 and 39, be sure to mention that because they value your demographic. Keep your letter or email short so they will make sure to read it. Sign this petition to let NBC know you want the show to stay on the air!

Predictions by Suzanne 11/7/15

Bo will rescue Hope but kill Aiden, so he has to flee town or go to jail. The newly-aged teens will all be really boring and be written out again. John sticks around with Marlena; they work to bring down the DiMeras.

The new girl at the police station has a crush on Rafe; she's Abe's daughter that he doesn't know about.

Rumors and Predictions by Suzanne 9/15/15

Many sites are reporting that Kassie DePaiva (Eve) will be leaving town. It's not yet officially reported on any of the major sites.  She won't be a victim of the serial killer. It's also rumored that James Read (Clyde) will be exiting the show long before the serial killer story ends, so it's not him.

My predictions: None of these people are the serial killer - Stefano, Chad, Abigail, Clyde, Eve, Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Aiden, JJ, Brady, Ciara, Claire, Eric, Roman, Sami, Theo, Jennifer, André, Theresa, Rafe, Sonny, Kayla, Daniel, Steve, Adrienne, Maggie, Victor, Ava, Doug or Julie.

That only leaves these major characters: Ben, Maggie, Chloe, Caroline, Lucas, Will, Abe, Paul, Maxine, Anne or Kate. I doubt it will be a minor or returned character.

Predictions by Suzanne 11/18/13

Stefano really will try to be a better person.

Someone will die and there will be a murder mystery. Might be Theresa, J.J., Nick, Chad, Lucas, or someone else!

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 7/1/13

Stefano will find out about EJ and Justin's plan to take over his company.

JJ will continue to come between Daniel and Jennifer.

Another guy will come between Will and Sonny.

Marlena will get closer to Roman while John is gone.

Rafe will lose his memory when he comes out of his coma.

Kate will try to get back together with Rafe only for him not to remember they were a couple.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 4/15/13

Chloe will attempt to commit suicide.

Sami will catch Kate and Rafe in a compromising position.

Anne will see Cameron stripping and use it to her advantage.

Cameron and Abby will make love.

John and Kristen will come close to making love, but he will stop himself.

Roman and Marlena will grow closer.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl  3/23/12

EJ will realize that Nicole is pregnant.

Nicole will start to have feelings for Rafe.

 Daniel and Billie will become closer.

 Austin will catch Rafe and Carrie in a compromising position.

 Lexie will come close to forgiving Abe, but something will keep her from being with him.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 2/24/12

Lexie will turn her back on Abe and Jennifer because of what they did during the election.

Abe will get arrested for his dirty tricks during the campaign.

Just when Sami decides to forgive Rafe, she will see him with Carrie.

Abby will tell Austin she's pregnant.

Abby will have sex with a random guy to get pregnant.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 2/12/12

Bo and Marlena will have a reason why they can't go to Alamania.

John and Hope will get close while they are in Alamania.

Carrie will find herself thinking about Rafe while working things out with Austin.

Abby will become obsessed with Austin.

Austin will continue to feel guilty about “being” with Abby.

Gabi will come between Chad and Melanie's growing relationship.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 1/29/12

Princess Gina will return and cause trouble for Bo and Hope.

The secret Alice was hiding is the fact that Hope is really Gina.

Rafe and Carrie will have an affair.

Sami will get closer to Lucas because her relationship with Rafe will fall apart.

Abe and Lexie's marriage will suffer because of his actions during the election.

EJ will win the election.

Predictions by Suzanne 2/12/12

Carrie and Austin's marriage is tested, but they survive. Rafe and Sami split up. She is tempted to get back together with Lucas.  Chloe returns to town and plots revenge against Kate and Victor. She goes after Daniel again. Marlena does something drastic to E.J.  Will finally comes out, eventually.  He and Sonny fall in love.

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Page updated 7/19/22

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