"Days of Our Lives" Best Lines
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 9/17/18
(to John about her yelling at Belle and Sami)
Hattie: Those two spoiled brats deserve a tongue lashing.
That cute Eric deserves a tongue lashing too. A different
kind of course.
(to John when she wanted him to get her something to eat)
Hattie: While you're there, why don't you get me a hot
steaming cup of Roman.
(to Chloe about killing El Fideo)
Bonnie: You killed one of the most dangerous men in the
world. What did you do? Kill him with one of your high C's?
(about Sheila babysitting the baby)
Bonnie: You're her godmother. You're doing it out of love.
Sheila; What do I look like a damn fairy godmother?
(to Roman)
Hattie: Who do I have to shoot to get a burger around here?
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Page updated 9/23/18
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