This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show
or network.
Battlestar Galactica Favourite Quotes
'All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again' -
Number Six
'Which leads me to the inescapable conclusion that Cylons are, in the
final analysis, little more than toasters... with great-looking legs. ' -
Gaius Baltar (1.07 - six degrees of separation)
'No more Mr. Nice Gaius! '- Gaius Baltar (1.07 - six degrees of
'Bitch took my ride. ' - Kara Thrace (2.01 - scattered)
'After they attacked, I never... I never pined over any of my old crap.
Never missed it. Stupid view of the parking lot. Broken toilet in the
bathroom. You know, everyone I know... is fighting to get back what they
had. And I'm fighting 'cause I don't know how to do anything else. ' - Kara
Thrace (2.02 - Valley of Darkness)
'I just don't respond to the title "Doc." A dock is a platform for
loading and unloading material. My title is "Doctor" or "Mr. Vice
President," if you don't mind. ' - Gaius Baltar (2.03 - Fragged)
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