As The World Turns Top Ten List #12 From The TV MegaSite

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ATWT Top Ten List

Top 10 Couples on ATWT (for now anyways)
by Mona O.

10 - Ben & Jessica

After an incredible string of women on Ben’s part, it only seems fit that he would again be paired with Jessica.  It was the sweet Lien and before that it was Denise and Camille.  Ben has never had a long lasting relationship, because most of the women he has dated always seen to leave the show, leaving poor Ben without anyone to love.  Ben & Jessica’s romance wasn’t as world wind as others have been, but was more instantaneous.  Things heated up again with the introduction of Marshall, who made things interesting for the Doctor and the Lawyer.

Best Moment: I loved anything that involved the mixing of Marshall (pre-rape storyline and during Jessica's affair).  When Ben finally put two and two together it was some good acting.

9 - Rose & Paul

Rose and Paul are a very unique couple. So maybe they sort of broke up because of Dusty & Barbara, and maybe he faked his death and then decided to come back to life, but they might get back together.  They were so great to watch.  It was never boring and he did save her life. She had a checkered past and he didn’t care; he just wanted to be with her. And with the introduction of the new Paul (and his new approach to his life) things are going to shake up.

BEST MOMENT: There are way too many too choose from that I love.  They scenes together are always great and they have such great chemistry and with the new Paul it seems as if will be the same as well.  I love how they first met and there relationship as it progressed and how Rose coped with Paul coming back from the dead.

8 - Aaron & Lucy

No good soap can be without a cute teen storyline.  This is it, I love watching these characters interact.  The storyline is similar (but not the same) to the Holden & Lily storyline that ATWT did some years before.  I've read articles in Soap Magazines and this storyline doesn’t get the credit it deserved.  This couple is always interesting to watch and I can’t wait to see what happens next!!!

BEST MOMENT:  I loved the whole courting of theses two. The little secret relationship going on and their summer rendezvous and especially how Craig's going to deal with it all.

7 - Hal & Emily

At first the relationship with Hal and Emily was sort of uhh and at that point everyone liked Barbara.  But there relationship started with Hate and then it ended up with love.  Those are the best kind of Romances.  They are always great to watch, and the added Drama with Barbara made it even better.  It turned Emily from a character we loved to hate to a character we like and love to watch.  

BEST MOMENT:  There are a lot of great moments with Hal & Emily, the parts are so well acted and dare I say, we can feel the love.  And it was during Emily and Hal’s relationship that Benjamin Hendrickson won his Emmy. Their wedding was one of these great moments.  IT was a classis soap opera wedding, everything went wrong.

6 - Molly & Jake

Although Jake is dead now, he and Molly were so great together. It was after all that during this storyline that Leslie Kay won her first Daytime Emmy Award and Tom Eplin got a nomination.  It was one of those timeless love stories.  Who would have guessed that the way to land a great guy is to fall into a coma, hope he investigates your accident, saves you from yourself and eventually fall deeply in love.

BEST MOMENT: The best moments are usually always the weddings.  In this case, it still is, I am a sucker for weddings, their always (well some anyways) so sweet and beautiful.

5 - Rosanna & Craig

When Rosanna came back to Oakdale, it was apparent that if Craig wasn’t going to have Carly then he was going to get her sister because right off the bat, there was some attraction.  She was rich, beautiful, filthy rich, everything Craig wants in a woman.  What makes this couple so good is that they are unpredictable.  They are the odd couple and they share a unique relationship.

BEST MOMENT:  The 2nd Wedding.  After Craig came back & exonerated Rosanna for Carly’s death he and Rosanna shared a wedding that could only be described as Unique!  It was such a classic Craig move.

4 - Molly & Mike

Why Why Why did they have to ruin such a perfect relationship.  It was so great to watch. I can’t believe it’s over.  When Jake died, he kept visiting Molly until he saw her with Mike at that bar, and then he left never to be seen again. I could have sworn theses two would be together forever.  I love the chemistry they had and the drama behind it.  So I know he slept wit her cousin, but in his defense, Molly dumped him.  I really hope that they put theses two back together.

BEST MOMENT: Although I loved every bit of their courtship I have to say that in my opinion the best moment that I thought were the scenes at Jack & Carly’s second wedding.   After Mike found out Sage wasn’t his, Molly was there to comfort him.  It’s the scene where Molly finally sees that it’s finally over; it was one of Leslie Kay’s most moving performances.

3 - Simon & Katie

Yes I know that Simon is gone but who knows he might come back and I’m guessing he probably will.  But the love that Simon and Katie had was beautiful, well towards the end anyways.  I mean he slept with her one night and she took it as something more and annoyed the heck out of him till he finally gave in.  It was a good thing that she did or she wouldn’t have got her Aussie prince.

BEST MOMENT: In the Malta Storyline when Luke and Holden were kidnapped, Lily asked her ex-beau to help and he came willingly with Katie who followed behind.  It was here that Simon finally admits he had deep feelings for her.  The scene were their both handcuffed and locked in a room and Simon has to free them, and in order to do so he had to literally go down her shirt for a necklace to pick the lock.

2 - Holden & Lily

They are the classic couple.  They have always been a fan favorite and probably are one of the greatest soap couples.  Who really doesn’t love the rich girl falls for Rebel teen or Farm boy whatever suits you.  They’ve gone through it all including the numerous kidnappings, a twin sister, the Maltese vacation from hell, and the unromantic tropical getaway, just to name a few.

BEST MOMENT: I couldn’t possibly choose, their relationship spans at least a decade.   Many fans adore this couple.  Lilly and Holden are another one of those timeless couples.

1 - Jack & Carly

Jack and Carly are so great to watch because its a wonderful story and the actors have such great chemistry..  They never ever get boring.  They’ve only been together a few years but they are definitely the best.  I love watching them.  They are always intriguing and there seems to be more reason to just keep on loving theses two.  Everything seems to get in the way and they seen to just find their way back, including but not limited to Carly’s ambition and numerous affair and Jack’s psycho, psycho wife Julia.  Where are the daytime Emmy awards for theses actors, they so so so deserve it.  

BEST MOMENT:  Another couple where every minute is wonderful.  The one moment that keeps on popping up in my mind is the scene were Jack finds out that Sage is his daughter.  It was soooooo sweet; I just loved it so much.  I hope they never fade away, like many other great past soap couples.

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Page updated 6/4/11

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