As The World Turns Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite

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As The World Turns Trivia Quiz Pages

ATWT Trivia Quiz

Oakdale Families

By Suzanne

a. Stewart
b. Ciccone
c. Munson
d. Snyder
e. Coleman
f. Montgomery
g. Tenney
h. Hyatt
i. Kasnoff
j. Mayer
k. Grimaldi
l. Ryan
m. Walsh
n. Peretti
o. Hughes
p. Stenbeck

Which person(s) in the above families...

1. Raised a teenage daughter by herself?

2. Used one daughter's eggs to have another daughter?

3. Tried to send his son to a straight camp?

4. Left his wife because she slept with Simon?

5. Works hard as a police officer, with her husband frequently on the other side?

6. Owns a farm?

7. Left town (and her kids) rather than go to jail?

8. Tried to kill Rosanna with his car?

9. Ran away with his girlfriend as a teen to get married?

10. Learned that his father murdered a lot of people, including his mother?


Page updated 6/6/11

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