As The World Turns Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite

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As The World Turns Trivia Quiz Pages

ATWT Trivia Quiz

WEEK OF JULY 28, 2003

 By Kathy M.

1.  Who works for the Oakdale P.D.?

                a. Emily

                b. Hal

                c. Craig

                d. Bonnie 

2.  Who stole Marshall's toothbrush?

                a. Jess

                b. Walker

                c. Bonnie

                d. His maid 

3.  Who babysat Sage so Carly could talk to Jack about her godfather?

                a. Emily & Hal

                b. Molly & Rosanna           

                c. Paul & Jen

                d. Craig & Rosanna

4.  Susan threw these 2 ladies out of her home...

                a. Emily & Alison

                b. Cleaning lady & maid

                c. Alison & Lucy

                d. Katie & Margo 

5.  Looks like the "serial killer" at Memorial Hospital is...

                a. Gordo

                b. Chris

                c. Rick

                d. Bob 

6.  He fainted at the wedding (of Rick & Susan)...

                a. The minister

                b. Rick

                c. Chris

                d. Hal 

7.  He got killed & buried this week...

                a. Jeff Starr

                b. Ringo Starr

                c. Gordo

                d. Not anyone killed & buried this week. 

8.  Rick's excuse for showing up late to his wedding was...

                a. Car ran into a ditch and he had a flat tire after trying to miss hitting a dog.

                b. Taking care of patient's at the hospital (esp. Bob).

                c. Lost his watch.

                d. Lots of traffic. 

9.  She ran into a reporter looking for Rick...

                a. Alison

                b. Katie

                c. Emily

                d. Susan 

10. Put Katie in disbelief about Mike's intentions to help Katie locate Simon...

                a. Alison

                b. Kim

                c. Jess

                d. Henry


Page updated 6/6/11

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