As The World Turns Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite

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As The World Turns Trivia Quiz Pages

ATWT Trivia Quiz

General Quiz by Suzanne

1. Which character is not a doctor?

a. John Dixon
b. Walker Daniels
c. Susan Stewart
d. Ben Harris
e. Rosanna Cabot

2. Which character is not a lawyer?

a. Tom Hughes
b. Jessica Griffin
c. T. Marshall Travers
d. Jack Snyder
e. None of the Above

3. Which character is not a cop?

a. Henry Coleman
b. John Dixon
c. Katie Snyder
d. Kim Hughes
e. All of the Above

4. Which character has never been one of the rich folks in Oakdale?

a. Rosanna Cabot
b. Craig Montgomery
c. Barbara Ryan
d. Lucinda Walsh
e. Hal Munson

5. Which character is the oldest?

a. Dusty
b. Luke
c. Lucy
d. Alison
e. Aaron

6. Who was a new character in 2003?

a. Lisa
b. Evelyn
c. Casey
d. Henry
e. Nancy

7. Which character was on the show the longest?

a. Lucinda
b. Nancy
c. Barbara
d. Susan
e. Margo

8. Which actor was in Dawson's Creek?

a. Lesli Kay
b. Grayson McCouch
c. Hunt Block
d. Cady McClain
e. Roger Howarth

9. Who created As the World Turns

a. Agnes Nixon
b. Irna Phillips
c. Bill Bell
d. 1 and 3
e. 1 and 2

10. What year did ATWT first air?

a. 1970
b. 1956
c. 1981
d. 1964
e. 1945

11. Which actor was not on an ABC soap?

a. Cady McClain
b. Ellen Dolan
c. Mary Beth Evans
d. Real Andrews
e. Peter Parros

12. Which actor guest-starred on the original Star Trek?

a. Kathryn Hays
b. Tony Musante
c. Eileen Fulton
d. Don Hastings
e. Elizabeth Hubbard

13. Which actress was paired with Stephen Nichols in two different soaps?

a. Tamara Tunie
b.Mary Beth Evans
c. Martha Byrne
d. Lesli Kay
e. Cady McClain

14. Which actress played Woody's girlfriend on "Cheers"?

a. Lesli Kay
b. Terri Colombino
c. Cady McClain
d. Martha Byrne
e. Tamara Tunie

15. Which actor played a villain on Knots Landing?

a. Peter Parros
b. John James
c. Tony Musante
d. Scott Holmes
e. Hunt Block





1.e, 2. d, 3. e, 4. e, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. e, 9. b, 10. b, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. c, 15. e.

Page updated 3/22/17

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