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Interview with Trevor St. John of "Seduced
By My Neighbor" on
Lifetime 11/8/18
I'm so grateful to be able to
interview Trevor because he's one of my all-time favorite
actors. He was so wonderful as Todd/Victor on "One
Life to Live," which I watched for over 20 years. On the
phone he was very nice, and modest. I'm glad that he's doing
so well in his acting. I hope you enjoy this interview!
Here's the
audio of
our interview.
Suzanne: Well, it's an honor to talk
to you because I've watched
One Life to Live from 1984
the end.
Trevor: Oh, alright, well, thank you.
Suzanne: You did a great job. You'll always be Todd to me.
Trevor: Okay.
Suzanne: I'm sure you're probably
glad that people know you from "Containment" and other
things, too.
Trevor: Yeah, well, whatever people
like, whatever moves them is fine with me.
Well, that's good. So how did your role in the movie come
about - the Lifetime movie?
Trevor: You know, my
representatives said, "You interested in this?" and I threw
myself on tape for the producers, and the director, and they
seemed to like it.
Suzanne: And had you done other
Lifetime movies before?
Trevor: I had done one also
in Louisville a few months before. I think it came out... it
was called... they changed the title. I'd have to look it up...
anyway, yes, I had done others.
Suzanne: And you
filmed them both in Louisville?
Trevor: Yes, they
were both Lifetime movies. A lot of stuff happening in
Louisville. Oh, I did also one called The Wicked Moms Club,
and that was also shot in Kentucky. That was in Lexington.
Suzanne: Oh, okay, I did not know that Kentucky was one
of those places where they shoot a lot of stuff.
Trevor: Yeah, I think they got the rebate.
Yeah, the tax break, yeah. Nowadays it seems like Atlanta is
where most people film stuff.
Trevor: Yes, that's
gonna be going forever, I think.
Suzanne: Had you
worked with any of the people in the movie before? Cast or
Trevor: Never.
Suzanne: Never.
Trevor: Not a person, never, nobody.
Suzanne: Well,
you know there are two other former soap actors on there.
Trevor: Right, let's see....
Suzanne: Don't mean
to put you on the spot.
Trevor: That's okay.
Suzanne: Jill Larson, who played Opal on "All my Children."
And Andrea was on "General Hospital" for a while as Abby.
Trevor: Oh, okay, I didn't know she had done that.
Suzanne: Just for a little while, a few years ago. I
think she was a stripper, and then she was Michael's
girlfriend. So, did you have to do any special preparation
for the role?
Trevor: No, not at all. It was, I
didn't really, not much other than the script. They didn't
really give me any information of what they were looking for
or anything. So I went by the normal process that I go
through and that was it. I just went for it.
Suzanne: I
watched it last night, and it was pretty good. It had a lot of
twists and turns... that's always good to see. The ending was
interesting. I'm not gonna give it away, but it seemed like
it could have left it opened for a sequel where you come
Trevor: Oh, really? I can't remember how it
Suzanne: Well, they show you after everything
that's happened and you're spying on her again.
Trevor: Oh, that's right, I'm spying on her.
Which made me think, why would you not replace the entire
security system after... But I guess, people don't think
about those things... I don't know. But otherwise, I liked
the-- I thought all the actors did a great job, and like I
said, the twists and turns made it interesting. So many
times in movies like these, they hit the guy once, and they
walk away, and you're like, "No, no hit him again!" 'cause
you think he's gonna come back, but you didn't come back.
That shocked me because how many times does that happen in
these movies, you know?
Trevor: Right, right.
Suzanne: But the good guys can't do that.
Trevor: Did
Lifetime reach out to you to do these interviews?
Suzanne: It was Sheri... I'm blanking on her last name, PR
Trevor: Okay. She's from Lifetime?
Suzanne: I'm not sure, I'd have to look it up on my e-mail.
Trevor: Curious... I wonder why this, 'cause I've done
others, I wonder why this movie in particular.
Suzanne: I don't know... she sends me [invites] in e-mail,
and I usually see them, and I don't know how they... I wish
I knew. Sometimes I get them, and sometimes they ignore me.
Trevor: So it was pretty good, huh?
Suzanne: I
thought it was pretty good... it was. It kept your
attention, and it moved a lot; there was a lot of action and
stuff. Now, your character got to do some strangling. Did
you just-- did they just show you how to do it, or did you
have a stunt person help you with that?
Trevor: No,
I've done a lot of that before, you just kind of improvise
it, but I made it really safe. Make it look clean... relatively
Suzanne: It looked real, and it looked like
something that might actually happen, other than you know,
something ... I thought the whole movie was fairly realistic
in the dialogue, and the way it worked. You never know what
kind of dialogue you're gonna get in a TV movie. I thought
it was pretty realistic.
Trevor: Oh, good.
Suzanne: Now, that reminds me 'cause what you're saying,
you've done a lot of strangling...You play villains a lot.
Which would you rather play, a hero or a villain? Or some
Trevor: A villain, for sure.
Suzanne: A villain, really?
Trevor: Yeah, no
question. They're always more interesting than the hero.
Heroes don't interest me, especially the way that they're
written. They're written to be flawless most of the time.
Suzanne: Right, and that's not as much now as it use to
be, but yeah.
Trevor: I don't know, I still see
heroes as kind of these forces... the anti-hero a little
bit, where you can't really tell if he's the good or bad
guy, and that's how I approach the villain. The villain
never thinks he's doing anything wrong. Villain thinks he's
the hero. So this character, this security guard character,
thinks he's doing all the right things and helping people.
Suzanne: Mike.
Trevor: Mike? Was that the name of
the character?
Suzanne: Yes. I know it's been a
while. One of the things I like about regular series
characters, especially on a soap opera... I mean, you played
Todd, who was a great character. Sometimes you felt bad for
him, and other times you hated him, so he was like sometimes
a hero... probably more an anti-hero like you're saying.
Trevor: Exactly.
Suzanne: Well, I guess since he
wasn't really Todd, he really wasn't a villain so much as I
just thought he was. That was always a funny thing happening
'cause that same exact storyline happened on "Days of our
Lives" in the 90s, and then they did it again recently on
"General Hospital" where the actor left, and then they
brought a new actor to play him, and then the other actor
decided to come back, and so then they said, "Oh, it's not
really him -- it's his twin brother implanted with his
memories." It was the exact same story.
That's perfect.
Suzanne: I know, right? I don't mind
a little science fiction, though. So, is there anything interesting
or funny that you can share that may have happened during
the filming of the Lifetime movie?
Trevor: The scene
in the car, in the end, when I'm driving them, I think it's
at the end. It was the last day of shooting and we just kind
of got the giggles and Andrea and... is it Sierra?
Suzanne: Yeah, I think that's it.
Trevor: Yeah, where
we just got the giggles, and we had a hard time getting
through the scene. I don't know how it turned out, but it
was, that kind of sort of fun means you're really having a
nice rapport with people. It was just kind of a, you
wouldn't think that scene would be one where we'd kind of
start to giggle, but we did.
Suzanne: It's kind of
intense... So you're also appearing in the new "Roswell, New
Mexico" series next year on The CW.
Trevor: Yes,
Suzanne: Will you be in quite a few of the
Trevor: I believe so, yeah. I'll be, I'm a
series regular, so yeah, I'll be in several, yes.
Suzanne: Great, I look forward to that. Did you watch the
original "Roswell" series when it was on?
Trevor: I
never watched it. I know it was very popular, and I worked
with one of the actors, William Sadler (I think he played
the Sheriff, he was great). I know it was very popular.
They're re-imagining it here, and I think they're doing a
great job.
Suzanne: Yeah, there's a lot of actors I
like in it and recognize. Is there anything you can tell us
about that role?
Trevor: Yeah, again I play the
antagonist in that one, the Master Sergeant in the United
States Air Force who is definitely anti-aliens. I kind of
propagate all the stuff that the heroes have to face. Yet
again, yeah, another "villain". But this was really
well-written, so there is some ambiguity as far as, is he
really a villain, or is there another side to him?
Suzanne: Oh, that's good.
Trevor: Again, he thinks
he's doing the world a favor, and he's almost compassionate
then, and cares for people. Great part.
Suzanne: Did
I read that your character has a son?
Trevor: Yes, he
has a son, and we have kind of a complicated relationship,
let's put it that way.
Suzanne: Did I read that the
son just back from a military thing or something?
Trevor: Yes, exactly, and he was injured. And I forced him
to go to the military against his will. He's fairly
resentful about it, and resentful about other points of view
I have.
Suzanne: Well, cool.
Trevor: It's a
nice relationship for a drama, yeah.
Suzanne: And you
just recently returned to social media, I noticed. What
happened? You were gone for a while.
Trevor: I
returned to social media?
Suzanne: Yeah, weren't you
off Twitter for a while, and then you came back? Or did I
read that wrong?
Trevor: Oh, I'm not really on, I
tweeted something for the election, and that was about...
Now I'll be gone, probably. I have a hard time doing social
media 'cause it all feels like such hubris, it feels
presumptuous that anyone then would care what I have to say.
Suzanne: But we do, we do a lot.
Trevor: Well,
that might be so, it's hard for me to believe it. But I
tweeted something about the election 'cause it just wasn't
really self promotion, it was just something that I wanted... To encourage people to vote.
Suzanne: Well, you should tweet about the movie if nothing
else. And your show coming out.
Trevor: Okay, when
does this come out?
Suzanne: Saturday, I think. I
don't remember the time off the top of my head, but I know
it's Saturday on Lifetime. I'll tweet it and you can
re-tweet it.
Trevor: I see, okay. Has anyone else
that you've interviewed seen it, or have you not interviewed
anyone else?
Suzanne: No, you're the only one I've
interviewed. I usually just pick one person that I want to
talk to, and they'll tell me if I can interview the person,
or then they'll say, Well, what about this person?" For a
Trevor: What's the name of your publication?
Suzanne: The TV MegaSite, it's TVMEG.COM
TV MegaSite, oh, that's right. And it's an online?
Suzanne: Yeah, it's an online website. We've been around,
actually, since the 90s.
Trevor: Oh, right.
Suzanne: So, when I first started it, was just part of my
personal site, and I started writing about "General
Hospital" and "Star Trek" (strange combination, I know.) And
then I started--
Trevor: There's actually a lot of
Suzanne: I think so... And I started
adding more shows, and then eventually, a friend of mine,
that was helping me on it, said, "Hey, why don't we split it
up, the TV site?". So the TV site got much bigger, and
that's pretty much all I do now. But, it's a business.
Trevor: And you're in Arizona, is that right?
Suzanne: No, I'm in Arkansas.
Trevor: Oh, Arkansas,
Suzanne: Yeah, I've lived here a few years. My
husband is Provost at the Southern Arkansas University, and
we've moved a lot because of his job, but I'm from San Diego
Trevor: Alright.
Suzanne: Do you
live in New York still?
Trevor: No, I'm in Los
Angeles (my phone just has a New York area code).
Suzanne: Yeah, that's what I figured. I figured you use to
live in New York, back when you were doing the soaps, but
you never know where people live. Okay, so let's see,
anything else that you'd like to tell your fans?
Trevor: No, I appreciate that you continue to check with
what I'm doing, and I wish you the best, and I hope that I'm
entertaining them, which is what you're seeking.
Suzanne: Well, definitely, always.
Trevor: I admire
and appreciate them.
Suzanne: That's great, I mean
you're a really good actor, and I'm glad to see that you're
still getting work because sometimes I think, "Why is that
guy, who was on my favorite soap, he was so good, and he was
so good-looking, why hasn't he done more work?" So I'm glad
that you are. You're one of the lucky ones. It's not luck,
I'm sure you work hard, and you are really good at what you
do. I'm not just saying that, I don't say that to everybody.
Trevor: Okay, alright, well, I appreciate that very
Suzanne: I really appreciate you talking to me.
I hope that "Roswell, New Mexico" does really well. I'll be watching it.
Trevor: Yeah, check it out. Probably should be early
Suzanne: Yeah, oh good. I love all the CW
shows, they make good shows.
Trevor: Oh good, okay.
Well thank you, Suzanne, appreciate your questions.
Suzanne: Well thank you, and you have a good day.
Trevor: Okay, you too, bye.
Suzanne: Bye.
Transcription by
Beth Broderick, Andrea Bogart, Sierra McCormick and Trevor
St. John star in the Thriller
Sarah Goodwin (Bogart, “Ray Donovan,” “Zac &
Mia”) decides to move to the suburbs two years after the
death of her husband, so she can raise her teenage daughter,
Allie (McCormick, “A.N.T. Farm”) in a close knit community.
When they move in, they are welcomed by Mike
Aaron (St. John, One Life to Live,”), leader of the neighbor
watch. Mike
feels an instant connection to the mother and daughter as he
lost his own wife and child years earlier in an accident.
He promises Sarah she will always be safe.
Sarah takes a job at a local nursing home where
she can take care of her mother-in-law, Gladys (Broderick,
“Safe Objects”).
Gladys encourages Sarah to start dating again and introduces
her to Chris (Rocky Myers) a local firefighter and son of a
fellow resident.
While Sarah and Mike are out one evening having a
friendly drink, Sarah gets a call that there is a fire at
her house. The
two rush out and find that Allie brought some friends home
for a pool party and one of them put tin foil in the
Fortunately, the damage is minimal thanks to the quick
thinking of one of the firefighters, who just happens to be
Chris. When
Sarah thanks him for saving her home, he asks her to dinner
and she accepts.
Mike overhears this and is wrought with jealousy.
Mike goes to see Gladys hoping to convince her to
get Sarah to call off the date.
He wants to be the one taking care of Sarah and her
daughter. His
temper scares Gladys who starts to call the police, but
before she connects the call, Mike attacks her and winds up
killing her. He
runs off before he can be discovered.
Chris gets a call from his mother who heard the
struggles and realizes Gladys was murdered.
Before he can get to Sarah’s house, he is knocked out
by Mike, who has been following him.
He stows the body in his trunk and drives over to
Sarah’s house offering to take her and Allie to the nursing
home. But
instead he drives them to a remote area where he intends to
get rid of his rival and make a new family.
It’s now up to mother and daughter to save Chris and
themselves from this obsessive murderous neighbor.
Trevor St. John was born in Spokane, WA. He began acting
while attending Whitworth University on a jazz
performance scholarship where he played the drums. He’s
worked as a professional actor and musician in both New
York and Los Angeles since 1993. He was recently seen on
the CW series CONTAINMENT and will be seen next year on
the CW reboot of ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. His previous
television credits include The Vampire Diaries, The
Mentalist and CSI:Cyber. He appeared in the films THE
He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Sara and son
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