[an error occurred while processing this directive] 2010 Days of Our Lives Predictions & Rumors From The TV MegaSite [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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The Days of Our Lives Predictions & Rumors Pages

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What Might Happen on DOOL!

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Predictions by Jenni 4/29/10

EJ and Sami grow closer as Rafe moves toward his goal of finding out who was behind Sydney's kidnapping. Nathan learns that Chloe slept with Philip and considers telling Melanie. Stephanie does everything in her power to keep Melanie and Nathan apart. Carly learns of Chloe’s deception, and she and Daniel grow closer. Kate and Madeline turn out to be related. Will and Chad compete with one another for Gabi’s affections. Nicole lies and schemes to keep Brady and Arianna apart. EJ remembers that Dr. Baker was involved in his attack, and Nicole ends up being arrested for the muggings. Meanwhile, Hope continues to attack more men in town. Bo returns to Salem and tries to stop Vivian and Victor’s wedding.

Predictions by Michele and Cheryl 3/27/10

  • Hope will develop feelings for Justin when he's ready to be back with Adrienne.
  • Chloe will realize that she's in love with Philip.
  • Stephanie will catch Nathan and Melanie kissing.
  • Once again Rafe will catch Sami and EJ in a compromising position.
  • Daniel and Carly will grow closer because of Melanie.
  • Will and Gabi will start dating.

Page updated 5/11/12

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