Fan Fiction
Episode #56
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Jesse hears the keys in the front door and in walks his beautiful wife,
"Well, you are a sight for sore eyes. Come sit down, relax and tell me about
your day. I was thinking we would eat out tonight if that’s good for you."
Angie sits down next to Jesse and gives him a kiss. "Today was a long one, but
I am glad to be home. Dinner out sounds great! How was your day?"
Before Jesse can even say a word, his cell phone rings, and he picks it up.
"Chief Hubbard. What? No send the Crime Scene Unit in right now, no mistakes.
Keep everyone out, especially the press. Has the family been notified? Okay, I
will head directly to the ER."
"Jesse, what is it?"
You'll want to come with me, Angela. There's been a shooting at the Montgomery
Scene 2:
Tim sees the "troops" arrive but decides to wait a few before showing up at
the crime scene.
Scene 3:
Jack feels his cell phone vibrate in his pocket and pulls it out. Krystal
gives him a mock frown, but he signals her that he will keep it short.
"AJ, slow down. What happened? Oh my God! Where is Lily? Does she know? Good.
Keep her away and in the house. Can you stay there with her till I get someone
over there? Of course, thanks. We are headed to PVH right now. Don't talk to
"Jack, what's wrong? What happened?" asks Krystal.
"Reggie has been shot," Jack tells her as well as everyone around them.
"I’ll grab my purse and meet you at the car."
Ryan and Greenlee agree to rush over to the house to help AJ and check on
Lily. Kendall, Zach, Miranda, & Emma ask to go with them.
Bianca & Marissa tell Jack & Krystal they will watch all the kids and
close up here and meet them at the hospital.
Scene 4:
Tad, Dixie, & Kate are sitting at the table when the phone rings. Tad goes
to answer.
"AJ, what? Ok, I'm on my way. You okay? Lily? Do Jack & Krystal know?"
Tad hangs up the phone, his face in shock. "Tad, what's wrong? Is AJ ok?"
"Yes, AJ is fine. Reggie has been shot. They are on their way to the hospital
now. I have to get to the hospital."
Dixie says " I'll grab my coat and go with you. Kate, can you take care of
things here? We'll call you from the hospital and keep you updated."
Scene 5:
Jake, Chief of the Trauma Center, is on duty in the ER and gets word a GSW
(Gun Shot Wound) is five minutes out. He gets his trauma team ready and mentally
preps for what will happen next.
Next Episode
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