Fan Fiction
Episode #57
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Jake notices that the ER has gone completely still. That is until the
ambulance and EMTs burst through the doors bringing in the patient.
Jake hears the EMTs shouting out the patient's stats; blood pressure, volume
of blood lost, and where he was shot.
Finally Jake gets to the gurney to begin triage. As he takes a closer look
down at the patient, he can't believe it's Reggie.
Jake quickly assesses what is going on and despite the fact that he knows
Reggie personally. He must put those feelings aside and do his job to save
Reggie's life.
"Put him into Trauma 1 Stat! Get X-rays, start a liter of saline, cross, type
and match. Let’s move, people!"
Angie rushes into the ER right after the ambulance arrives and offers Jake
her services. He thanks his friend and colleague and tells her to head in and
gown up. He will be right behind her.
Scene 2:
As Jake and his team rush Reggie into the Trauma Room, half of Pine Valley
starts pouring into the ER.
Jack and Krystal are the first ones there. Jack sees Jake and grabs his arm
and asks, "How is he, Jake? What's going on? How bad is he? Can we see our son?"
Jake knows he has to get inside to see Reggie and start working quickly if
they have any chance to save him. He also knows how Jack is feeling. As a father
himself, his heart is breaking, but he has to tell Jack that he doesn't know
anything right now. He needs to get in there and assess the situation.
"I will let you know as soon as possible. Please Jack let us do what we have to do."
Krystal gently takes Jack's arm and tells him let Jake go. "He will tell us as
soon as he knows something." Jack allows Krystal to lead him away. Once they are
by themselves, Krystal says she's going to call the house to check on AJ and Lily,
then she'll be right back.
Scene 3:
Before Jack realizes it, he's surrounded by friends all there to see how
Reggie is. Tad is the first to speak and says that everyone here will
do whatever has to be done to take care of Reggie and their family. In fact,
they've all volunteered to donate blood. He promises Jack that he will
personally find who is responsible for this.
Jack is touched at seeing all his friends gathered around and thanks all of
them for being here.
Krystal walks back over to the group and takes her husband's hand. She
says "I just spoke to Greenlee. AJ is handling everything as well as you could
expect. He has to be interviewed by the police, but Jesse is on scene and will
handle that personally."
"What about Lily?"
"Greenlee said that Zach has always had a special relationship with Lily. He
is with her now trying to answer her questions," Krystal tells Jack and their
Krystal also says that reporters are starting to show up, but Jesse and the
officers on scene will keep AJ and Lily safe and no information will be
released right now.
Suddenly like a pack of rabid dogs, reporters are rushing into the ER with
cameras and microphones, all shouting questions about what's happening?
How is this going to affect Jack's bid for election for Governor?
Before Jack even has a chance to respond, Tad tosses the reporter who asked
the question right out the door. Then he announces loud and clear, "Nobody right
now knows what happened tonight or the condition of my friend’s son. I think I
can speak for the family that right now their concern is solely about their son,
and the election is temporally on hold. I also ask that you try and respect the
family's privacy. If and when there is news, the family will decide when and how
to report it."
The reporters back away for the time being.
Tad walks back over to Jack and Krystal and says, "I hope I didn't overstep
my boundary. I just wanted to try and have them leave you alone for awhile."
Krystal and Jack both look at Tad and say, "No, we really appreciate what you
just did."
Scene 4:
While Zach is off privately talking to Lily, Greenlee, Ryan, and Kendall are
all trying to comfort AJ and trying to find out what happened. AJ is badly
shaken up, but now he's more concerned about Reggie and how Lily is doing.
Kendall sits down on the sofa next to AJ and tells him softly that Zach will
handle Lily and that he knows what to do, and she'll be fine.
Greenlee sits down on the other side of AJ, puts her arm around him, and
asks, "How are you doing?" She goes on to tell him that this couldn't have been
easy for him coming here and finding Reggie like that plus trying to protect
Lily at the same time.
Ryan looks down at AJ and says, "You did everything so well. Besides getting
help, you remained calm especially since you had no idea if whoever shot Reggie
was still in the area." He gives AJ a fist bump. You did real good, kid. Your
parents are real proud of you.
AJ asks to no one particular person, "Does anybody have any news on Reggie's
Greenlee says to AJ she just tried calling Jack, and Krystal answered his
phone. They have no information right now. The trauma team headed by Jake with
Angie assisting is doing everything they can to save Reggie. The minute they
know anything, they will call. Krystal wants you to know how grateful she and
Jack are taking charge of the situation."
Just then Jesse walks into the room. He expresses his sympathy to them and
promises he will head this investigation personally. They will find out
what happened and who did this to Reggie. He also tells the group that his men
will keep the reporters far away from them. Unfortunately, Jesse does need to
speak AJ and get a statement from him. He asks AJ, " Are you up to it?"
AJ says yes, and they agree to go to Jack's study to talk privately.
Greenlee asks Jesse before they go, "Are you going to have to get a
statement from Lily? That is going to be difficult and might be too much for her
to process.” Greenlee tells Jesse that Zach is upstairs with her right now
trying to break the news to her.
Jesse says, "I'm going to need a statement eventually, but that can wait for
the time being. When the time comes I will do the interview myself and work with
Jack to make it as easy as possible for her."
Jesse and AJ head off.
Scene 5:
Scott and Madison are sitting down having dinner with Marian and Stuart with
the girls playing close by. Scott's cell phone rings and he answers it. The TV
station is calling to inform him of the shooting and asking what he wants to do?
Scott can't believe what they're telling him. Madison, Stuart, and Marian are
all listening wondering what's happening. He tells them to get a crew right to
the hospital, and he will be there in 10 minutes.
Scott hangs up the phone and looks at all of them then says, "Reggie
Montgomery has been shot. He's been taken to Pine Valley Hospital, and they are
out looking for the shooter." Scott asks Marian and his dad to stay with
the girls. He has to head to the station. "Of course, darling,” Marian answers.
"Your father and I will stay here as long as you need."
Madison says, "I'm going to head down to the hospital with you and see what
help I can give."
Scene 6:
A Los Angeles TV station interrupts with breaking news about a shooting of a
candidate for governor's son in Pine Valley, Pennsylvania.
A slender arm picks up a remote control and turns up the volume.
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