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AMC Fan Fiction

Episode #55
By Patti G

Scene 1:

AJ and Lily pull up in front of the Montgomery house, and there are the usual lights that people leave on when they go out. Reggie's car is still parked in the driveway.

AJ says to Lily, " Maybe he just fell asleep. KWAK said he was tired, but he wanted to go for a quick run before the party."

"That is a logical conclusion, AJ," says Lily.

"Do you have your house keys on you?"

"Yes, I have them," Lily answers.

"Why don't we just go in, and I'm sure we'll find him asleep on the sofa," AJ assures Lily.

Both of them approach the front door, and Lily unlocks it. They walk in and notice the house seems unusually quiet. They don't see Reggie anywhere, and AJ tells Lily to come upstairs with him to check Reggie's bedroom. AJ doesn't say anything to Lily, but he's getting a very bad feeling about this.

They walk up to Reggie's room, and the light is off. They knock; and when there is no answer, they open the door and walk in. The room is empty.

Scene 2:

Miranda can't wait for AJ to get back, so she can tell him what Emma said. Meanwhile, she decides to find a quiet place to sit and do some investigating on her tablet. She first Googles herself and gets the generic info she figured on. Next she starts to type in her mom's name when Marissa walks up to her.

"Is this party that lame that you are resorting to video games?"

Miranda lies to Marissa and says, "I was just texting AJ to find out what was happening."

"Marissa, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Miranda. What's on your mind?"

"When you and Mom decided to have a baby, did you use the same fertility clinic that Mom used for me? Is it possible that you even used the same donor?"

Scene 3:

Jesse is relaxing at home watching the local news, waiting for his beautiful wife, Angie, to get home from work. He even considers taking her out for a nice dinner where they can catch up with each other and just chill.

Scene 4:

Tim has driven a few blocks away, waiting to hear the sirens signaling help is on the way. He wishes they would hurry up and get there and don't let this guy die. He realizes he has to get rid of what he is wearing, as it is full of evidence before anyone sees him. Luckily he has a change of clothes in his gym bag in the trunk. He gets out of the car, goes to the trunk, and gets the bag. He quickly changes his clothes and puts all the "dirty" items back in the bag. He will toss the bag in the river outside of town later.

Scene 5:

AJ asks Lily if there is a flashlight around. She says that there is one in her desk in her room. AJ asks her to go get it.

When Lily returns, AJ asks her to stay in the house in case Reggie shows up or the phone rings. When Lily asks AJ where he is going, he tells her he wants to take a look around outside. Lily asks to go with him, but he thinks it would be better for her to stay inside. Secretly AJ fears what he might actually find.

AJ walks out the front door, turns on the flashlight, and starts to head towards the driveway and the backyard.

After not finding anything unusual, he begins to hear what sounds like moaning coming a few feet ahead of him. AJ starts walking in that direction and suddenly the beam of light shines on a body lying on the ground. Quickly but cautiously, he runs over and finds to his horror it is Reggie who has been shot.

Next Episode

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Page updated 11/27/14

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