Fan Fiction
Episode 18
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Jesse, Angie, and Ted sit and wait for David's test results. All of them are quiet.
David opens the door and sits down at his desk.
"I know you are all anxious for the results. As far as your blood work, Angie,
it shows no genes for this blood disorder," says David.
Angie, Jesse, and Ted all breathe a sigh of relief.
"However, I am afraid your test results, Ted, are not as promising as I would
have liked by now," David tells them.
"Is there any improvement?" Ted asks David.
"There are some indications the treatment is working; however, the fact that
we started so late in the treatment might work against you." David tells Ted.
"There is still a chance, isn’t there David?" asks Angie.
"I am going to do everything I can for your brother. However, I suggest to you,
Ted, that you get your affairs in order and that the two of you make up for as
much time as you can," David tells them.
Scene 2:
Zach is waiting at the casino for Zoey to begin her shift. Finally, she walks
in and heads for her assigned blackjack table. Zach heads over to speak to her.
"Oh, hello, Mr. Slater," says Zoey.
"Evening Zoey. How are you finding life in Pine Valley?" he asks her.
"Everyone has been very nice to me so far. I am enjoying living at the
boarding house. Opal is a wonderful lady and always has something interesting to
say," she tells Zach.
Zach starts to leave and then turns around. "Zoey, did you lose a locket the
other day?" he asks her.
"Does it have a picture of a man and a woman on the inside?" she asks Zach.
"As a matter of fact, it does. So I guess this is yours?" Zach says. Then he
hands her the locket.
Zoey is so happy that it is not lost. She tells Zach is the only thing she has left of
her parents.
Scene 3:
After Jesse goes back to work, Ted and Angie go back to her home to talk.
"While I hope that David’s treatment still might work, he is right that we
should spend whatever time I have left getting to reacquainted if that is okay
with you," Ted tells Angie.
"I would like that, but what about your family, shouldn’t you be with them?"
Angie says.
"Dina and I are divorced, though we remained friendly. I would like to be
with my two kids. I thought about asking them to come to Pine Valley. We all
should meet. However, I think it would be a good idea if I went home first and
told them the whole truth, about my illness and my history."
"I know that is not going to be an easy conversation. Is there anything I can
do to help?" Angie asks.
"Thanks, but I think that this is something I have to do myself. As soon as I
can, I will be back to continue David’s treatment, and hopefully you and I will
be able to spend some long lost time together."
"I look forward to it," Angie tells her brother, and she gives him a hug.
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Page updated 7/28/13
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