Fan Fiction
Episode 19
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Zach is sitting in his office at the casino holding a file he just
read containing DNA results for Zoey. It wasn't hard to get samples from
her, his dad and obviously himself. Well, it is true, and Zoey is a
Cambias. It is also apparent that she has no clue who her father really
is and what he is. The question now for Zach is how does he tell her?
Maybe more importantly should he tell her? What is in her best interest?
Zach has been accused of playing "God" in the past. Making decisions he
felt were in the best interest of the people in his life. He has tried
to change over the years and not do it any more, but in this circumstance,
would his interference be a blessing to Zoey or a curse?
Scene 2:
Tim and Brot are on break and getting a cup of coffee in the park. A
man and woman with a young child approach them.
"Excuse me, Officers, my wife, daughter and I were just at the
playground, and there is a man just sitting there by himself. It doesn't
appear he is with anyone or even has a child with him," says the man.
"Is he doing anything strange or threatening?" Brot asks him.
"Well, no," says the man. "But it does seem strange that he would be
there. My wife and I thought since we saw you, we would at least report
it to you," he says.
"Thank you for the information," Brot tells them.
"Well, I guess we should check it out," Brot says to Tim.
They walk over to the playground and sure enough there is a young man
sitting on a bench doing nothing in particular, but as the people told
him, it does not appear he has no children with him. Brot and Tim
approach him.
"Excuse me, sir," Tim says to the young man.
The man doesn't turn around but just sits there quietly.
"I said excuse me, sir. Would you mind turning around. We would like to
talk to you for minute," says Brot.
The young man still sits there ignoring the two police officers.
Suddenly Tim shoves the young man and pushes him onto the ground.
Then he grabs his wrist and throws the cuffs on him and quickly turns
him around. "Now are you going to cooperate with us?" asks Tim.
Brot is shocked that Tim would use such a rough technique on someone
who, while not being cooperative to their questions, posed no threat to
them at that moment. "What are you doing?" Brot asks Tim?
"He needs to learn some manners and how to listen to an officer of
the law," says Tim to Brot.
Tim helps the man stand up, and so far, he still has not said anything
to either of them. They walk him to their police car and start to drive
to the station.
Scene 3:
Jackson is at the Yacht Club going over the finishing touches with
one of his assistants before his press conference declaring his intent
to run for governor of Pennsylvania. He sees Krystal walk in and tells
his assistant to take care of what they just went over.
"How you doing, are you nervous?" Krystal asks him.
"No, I am cool as a cucumber as long as I have you here by my side,"
he tells her.
I spoke to Ryan earlier, and he said that he and Greenlee will be here
when you announce," she tells him. "Lily called after you left. She was
sorry she couldn't get here today but will try to help you as much as
she can during the campaign but only behind the scenes where she can
possible work on numbers and statistics," says Krystal to Jack.
"Bianca called me yesterday and said that she and Marissa would do
whatever they could for the campaign but thought that maybe it might be
better if they kept a lower profile today. I told them definitely not.
That they were part of this family, and I want them here front and
center with everyone else," Jack says.
Krystal looks at Jack and remembers that his love of his family was
one of the things she loved most about him.
Next Episode
P.S. I have been watching AMC since 1976 and during that time I have
had the pleasure of sharing that experience with family, friends, and yes
even my late husband. Now, however, I watch the show alone the past years
and enjoy writing my Random Thoughts article as well as this new venture
Fan Fiction. I am pleased when I see people have read my writings as it
makes me feel connected to all of you out there. Thanks for all your
support. I would anytime love to hear what you have to say about either
one of my efforts.
Patti G
Please send any comments to
Page updated 7/31/13
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