Fan Fiction
Episode #45
By Patti G
Scene 1:
When Griffin and Ellie arrive at Wildwind, Security at the gate calls up to the
Main House before letting them in. "Why so much security here? Ellie asks
Griffin. "Surely they know who you are."
"I think that David is just overly protective of his family. Especially now
that he knows Cara is expecting their second child," Griffin replies.
"Wait! Cara is pregnant? I had no idea."
"Well, why would you? She is only in her first trimester, not even showing.
Ellie, you look very pale. Are you okay?"
Meanwhile, David is talking to Gus the Head of Security. Gus asks Dr. Hayward
if he is ready for his brother-in-law and his guest to go ahead up as he
requested. David instructs him to send them ahead.
"All right, everyone, please take your places," Tad instructs them. "Reggie
and I will be listening in to everything from the next room. Just play your
parts the way we told you and hopefully we will get the answers we need. I don't
have to remind you that we have just one shot at this. Adam, David, and Jake,
please, no matter how frustrated you might get, stick to the plan."
Scene 2:
Ryan can't believe what Emma just said. She must have just blurted that
nonsense out in anger. I mean how could the staff at Oak haven and the courts
even think about releasing her. Ryan acknowledges to himself that, over the past
five years, Annie has made a lot of progress, and they now have a civil
relationship, especially when it comes to raising Emma. However, if Emma is
telling the truth and Annie is being let out, how can he even begin to tell
Greenlee about this. No, he has to find out the facts first and see what he can
do to put a stop to this whole plan.
Scene 3:
Emma doesn't waste any time and secures a backup date for the prom. Being
escorted by the Captain/Quarterback of PV High is not so shabby as dates go.
Next she starts to make plans to get back at Miranda. Now that she has cooled
down a bit, she realizes what she yelled at her dad when she got home. Jeez! I
hope he thinks I was just playing around in all my anger. Knowing her dad, if he
even thinks her mom may even have a slight chance of being released, he will do
everything in his power to stop it. She is well aware that the both of them have
tried to be civil to each other and at least call a truce for her sake, but in
his world everything is about the Queen Bee – Greenlee.
Scene 4:
Greenlee can't believe what Kendall just told her. "You're serious? I am in
shock. I can't even think clearly. I was prepared for you to tell me you needed
more time off or just cut back on your hours but to sign off completely on
"Look, Greenlee I know I threw you a curve ball. I can understand how you
must feel. However, I can't see any other way for this to work. If I am at work
here, I will be thinking about the kids and feel guilty not being with them."
"Kendall, I get you miss the time you "lost" with your children and even Zach.
But sweetie, the boys are in school all day and Amelia is going to be soon
herself. Zach is always caught up with the casino, so what are you going to do
all day long by yourself? Really, I want you to be happy. I really do. However, I
think after a few weeks with days of doing nothing, you will be begging to
return to Fusion. All I am asking is that you don't make any final decision
until you have a chance to try it your way. Then you can really decide what is
best for you, your family, and the business you help create and succeed."
"Okay, Greenlee, I will give your way a try, but I am fairly certain I'm not
going to change my mind."
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