Fan Fiction
Episode #46
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Griffin and Ellie knock on the front door and are both are
surprised when
Brooke opens it. "Griffin, I am so relieved you are here. You're Ellie,
right? You're a nurse at PVH."
"Yes, I am Mrs. Chandler."
"Please, call me Brooke."
Ellie and I were going out for dinner when Cara called and asked me to come
by. She didn't mention anything about you being here. What's going on? Where is
my sister?"
"Griffin, I will explain everything. I promise. Just come inside and sit down.
There is a lot to tell you and not much time," Brooke urges him.
Ellie says to Griffin, "If this is a family situation, I will understand if
you'd rather I leave."
"No, that won't be necessary Ellie," Griffin tells her.
All three of them walk into the living room where they see Adam and Amanda. Griffin acknowledges them and makes introductions regarding Ellie.
"Brooke, where is my sister? Is something wrong? Is the baby okay?"
Brooke steers Ellie and Griffin to a sofa. "I have a lot to explain to you.
Cara is sick, and David and Jake are trying to treat her."
"Why aren't they going to PVH?" Ellie asks and Griff agrees.
"That is what I have to explain to you."
Scene 2:
Ryan is reeling about Emma's news regarding Annie. He has to stop this from
happening. He decides it is best to call Oak Haven and speak to Annie's doctor
directly. When he finally gets Dr. Peterson on the phone, he goes off on the
"How could you possibly be considering letting Annie out of
Oak Haven? Don't
you understand the destruction she caused me and my family?"
Dr. Peterson tells Ryan, "Mr. Lavery, please calm down. First of all it was
not my idea to consider your ex-wife's release. I simply was told to make my
recommendation. As far as her condition goes, I do feel that if she continues to
comply with her meds and keep up with her mandatory counseling besides the other
restrictions the court will impose on her, it would appear she is ready. After all,
Mr. Lavery, it has been 5 years that she's been away, and she has made huge progress
on her mental health. I'm sorry that Annie mentioned this to your daughter.
That was inappropriate, and I will speak to her about that."
Scene 3:
Emma decides to do a little research on the Kane Family. She picks up her
laptop and performs a search. More information than she could imagine
appears. She scrolls through most of what is on her grandmother, Erica, and looks
specifically for info on her mother, Bianca, and Miranda directly. First nothing
of interest for her needs, but finally she comes across articles going back to
Miranda's birth year, and what she finds is amazing.
Scene 4:
Jesse does not like what he has found out about Detective
Dillon. While he
was never formally written up on anything, he has got a reputation from his
former colleagues regarding incidents that could be taken as inappropriate. Now Jesse has to
decide what to do with him. So far with just that one incident in the park, he
has been a good cop, making some important arrests and involved with
investigations with other detectives.
Scene 5:
After Brooke finishes filling in Griffin and Ellie, Jake and David walk into
the room. They don't look like they have good news.
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