Fan Fiction
Episode #36
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Mama Castillo walks to the front door and is both surprised and happy to see
her former son-in-law Tad standing there. He is with another young man she
has never met.
"Tad," she says." Dios Mio! It is so good to see you. Thank you for coming."
"Mama Castillo," Tad says. "Of course, I would be right over, this
several of my loved ones, too. I'd like you to meet my new partner, Reggie
Montgomery, Jack's son."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Castillo. Even if it's in a less than ideal setting," Reggie says.
"A pleasure to meet you, too," she says. If you are half the man your father
is I have great faith in your help and Tad's."
"I assume your son-in-law is none too pleased I was called." Tad says.
"No, he was not, nor Mr. Chandler either. However, both Brooke and my daughter
overrode their objections quite handedly."
"Well, let's not waste any more time," Tad says. "Take us into the Lion's Den."
Scene 2:
Zoey walks down the hall bracing for this meeting. She has
psyched herself as best she can and keeps trying to remember what her brother Zach said,
"Kendall's bark is worse than her bite."
Zoey knocks on the room door and hears a woman call come in. She walks in and
sees Kendall for the first time up close and awake and is amazed at how
beautiful she is. "Thank you for asking me to come," Zoey says.
"Please sit down, I promise I won't bite." Kendall tells her.
"Funny," says Zoey. "That is what you husband said to me to calm my nerves."
"I can hear Zach say that to you but really Zoey please relax. I know this is
a bit strange, but I really want us to be friends. Zach has almost no blood
family, and I have come to hear how much you mean to him, so you mean a lot to me,
"Thanks, Kendall. I know that you're just coming out of your coma and the time
you have missed has been hard enough to deal with. Learning you have a new
sister-in-law on top of all that must make things even harder. I promise I only
want the best for you and your family. I have gotten close to Zach since learning
we are related and admire the man he is. I want to be the best sister I can be
and that means a good relationship with you."
"Well," says Kendall. "Let's get to know each other a little more, okay?"
Scene 3:
Emma comes down the stairs and sees her dad playing a video game with Spike.
"Hey, Dad. I want to talk to you for a minute, okay?"
Ryan looks at Spike and then pauses their game. "What's up, Ems?" Spike sees
this is going to be an interesting conversation, so he decides just to hang back
and listen. He knows his sister is a master manipulator when it comes to their
"Well, prom season is just around the corner, and I need to start looking for a
dress to wear."
"Well, that sounds like a reasonable request. Who is your date for the
He hasn't already asked me, but I know it will be soon, and I want to look
fantastic that night."
"Emma, who have you set your sights on?"
"AJ will be asking me any day now. I know it. I mean, who else would he want to
go with?"
"AJ would be a fine escort, but if he hasn't asked yet, how do you know he will
definitely be asking you?"
"Dad, I just know, okay?"
"All right, then back to getting the dress. Why don't you ask Greenlee to go
with you to Lacy's or to the Boutique and get something really special?"
"Really? Do I get a budget or can I just go crazy? Maybe we could look in New
York City, too?"
"I want you to get what makes you happy, okay? Just try not to go too crazy,
"Thanks, Dad. I'll ask Greenlee to go with me as soon as she gets home."
With that, the penthouse doors opens and Greenlee walks in to hear the tail
end of the conversation. "Ask Greenlee to go with you where as soon as
Scene 4:
Detectives Dillon and Monroe decide to have lunch at Krystal's Café. As they
walk in and look for a table, Brot spots Marissa and Bianca having lunch
They have brought baby Bella with them and currently she is giving Marissa a
fussy time about cleaning her face.
Brot walks over and says, "Hello, Marissa, Bianca. How are you?"
Bianca and Marissa almost at the same time say hello back to Brot and are
happy to see him. "How have you been?" Bianca asks Brot. Marissa follows asking,
"How is Natalia and the rest of the Hubbards these days?"
Brot tells them everyone is just fine. "I'd like to introduce my
partner, Tim Dillon. Tim this is Bianca Montgomery and her wife, Marissa Tasker."
Tim gives a quick hello to the women.
"You're not Amanda's older brother?" Bianca asks him. "I haven't seen you
in many years. When did you get back to Pine Valley?"
Tim says, "I am Amanda's brother, and I can't believe how long it's been
since I've seen you, Bianca. I had no idea you were still in Pine Valley and
settled down."
"Yes," Bianca says. "Marissa and I are raising a small army of a blended
family. This little one is our youngest, Bella. She is named after Marissa's
sister Babe who passed away several years ago."
"Well, it was nice seeing you both," Tim says. I'm afraid Brot and I are on a
short lunch break, so if you will excuse us."
As Brot and Tim go further along to an open table, Tim says to Brot, "I
heard Erica Kane's daughter turned out gay, but married? Plus they actually are
flaunting themselves in public like a normal married couple. Did you know all
this Brot? Here I thought Pine Valley was still a normal place to live, but I had
no idea the gays were out all over."
Brot looks at Tim and says, "I really can't believe you said that. Are you
really that much of a bigot?"
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