Fan Fiction
Episode #37
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Tad, Reggie, and Mama Castillo walk into the living room where The Group is
either planning or arguing.
David sees Tad first, "Oh, great! Another Martin."
"Nice to see you too, Dave," Tad answers.
Jake walks over to his brother and says, "Thanks for coming."
"You all remember Jack's son, Reggie. He is now my new partner. I think his
military background could come in handy," Tad tells them. "Jake has told me what
has happened so far, and I saw a copy of the DVD. What have you decided to do?"
Brooke tells Tad, "We are for the time being gathering the ransom. Adam is in
charge of that. David and Jake drew some blood from Amanda, Cara, and myself."
"I thought the DVD said not to try and treat or interfere with the poison," Tad
"We are not going to do anything right now except see if we can find something
common in the three blood samples to, at least, verify they have been poisoned. If
we can determine that, we may be able to figure out what they have been injected
with and make some offensive moves," David explains to Tad and Reggie. "So if
you'll excuse Jake and myself, we will go to my lab and get started."
Scene 2:
I know what those men did to her, and it was so wrong, and it cost her dearly. I
understand why he wants them to pay for what they did. However their actions did
not actually kill her, that was a whole separate issue. The actual person who
killed her already has died. Those women are good people, I have got to know
them a little and don't feel comfortable harming them because of what their
husbands did. Perhaps if I try talking to him again, I can make him see this is
wrong, and we can stop this before it gets totally out of hand. I already lost
her, and I don't want to take the chance of losing him as well.
Scene 3:
AJ heads into the parlor looking for his car keys. JR is sitting on the sofa
reading the paper and eating breakfast.
"Have you seen my car keys?" AJ asks his father.
"I think they are over on the desk. Where are you off to so early? Why don't you
sit and have some breakfast with me. I'm glad you decided to move back into the
mansion for a while, but I still don't see very much of you," says JR.
AJ feels guilty about blowing his dad off, so he decides he can spare a few
minutes and spend time with him. "I'm heading out to the mall to go tuxedo
shopping with some of my friends. The prom is only a few weeks away, and I don't
want to not have a tux ready for the big night."
"Wow, the prom already. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. I
remember my prom at PV High. I still run into the girl I took every once in
a while. She still lives here in town. I guess you've asked someone already?"
JR asks his son.
"Well, I know who I want to take, but I haven't exactly asked her yet."
"Don't you think that should be your first priority before getting the tux?" JR
"I guess you're right. I'll stop over at her house before meeting the guys at
the mall."
"You want to give your old man a hint about who it is?"
"Sorry, Dad. You're just going to have to wait until she accepts."
Scene 4:
Brot knocks on the chief's office door.
"Come on in," Jesse yells back.
"Chief, I was wondering if you have a few minutes. There's something I need to
tell you and get some advice on."
Brot sits down and begins to tell Jesse everything that has happened with
Detective Dillon since he joined the PV Police Force and became Brot's partner.
After Brot finishes up, Jesse looks at him and says, "I'm glad you brought this
to my attention, Detective. I know it must not have been easy to do. I want you
to keep this conversation with me to yourself and continue keeping an eye on
your partner. I'll look into things on my end. When I have the information I
need, we will talk again."
With that, Brot thanks Jesse and promises to do as he was instructed. He says
goodbye and leaves Jesse's office.
Jesse is certainly upset to hear what Brot had to say. He knew Trevor
years ago and Tim when he was a child. However, he knows that Brot would not have
brought this to his attention if he wasn't worried there might be big trouble
down the line. Jesse goes to his files and pulls Detective Dillon's file out,
sits back down and starts to read through it. Finally, he picks up the phone to
make some calls.
Scene 5:
Miranda is at The Boutique looking through the dresses on display trying to
figure out what she might wear to the prom. That is, of course, if she gets asked
out at all. Opal is in the back, as she promised Miranda she would see what new
dresses just arrived and give her the first shot at them.
When the bell on the door to the store rings, Miranda turns around and sees Emma
walk in.
"Well, well, if it isn't my good friend, Miranda," Emma chirps.
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