Fan Fiction
Episode #31
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Krystal stirs a little in her bed. She senses someone; but as hard as she
tries, she is so groggy she is not able to fully wake up.
Marissa walks in and sees Jack sitting by her bed holding her hand. She
thinks to herself that he looks beat. He has not left her side since the day
before when Krystal checked into the hospital for the surgery. "How is she
doing?" she gently asks Jack.
Jack turns and sees Marissa. He gets up and they hug. "She is still going in
and out," he tells her. She has not been able to stay fully awake after coming
to in the recovery room."
"Is that normal?" Marissa asks Jack.
"It is not typical, but Dr. Joe and her surgeon say it is not unusual either.
She is still heavily medicated, so that could be the reason."
Just then Joe and Krystal's surgeon, Dr. Wilson, enters the room. "We just
wanted to come by and check on Krystal," Dr. Wilson tells Jack.
Jack sits back down at Krystal's side and gently holds her hand again. "She
still is going in and out of consciousness," Jack tells them. "When will she
fully wake up?"
"Why don't you and Marissa step out and get some fresh air and maybe
something to eat," Joe tells them. "We would like to examine Krystal and review
her chart. Once we do that, we can talk some more, okay?" says Dr. Wilson.
Although Jack is reluctant to leave, he knows that the doctors need to do
their job, and he tells them that he won't be far.
Scene 2:
Kendall is busy fussing with her makeup and trying to look her best before
Zach arrives with the children. Dr. Dave said she was making good progress on
her awakening from the coma, but she still had a ways to go before he would let
her go home. She had spoken to her mom on the phone already, and Erica promised
she would be there to visit her as soon as she could and when David gave the
okay. She also was anxious to see Bianca and Greenlee, but David said she had to
take things slowly. She told David "Kane women don't do slow."
Suddenly Kendall hears voices out in the corridor and in walks Zach with two
young boys she can barely recognize. Zach is also holding a beautiful baby girl
with dark curly hair.
"Hello, beautiful," Zach says. "I think you remember these two guys." Spike
and Ian look at their mother cautiously. "I can't believe how big you guys have
got," Kendall says to them. "Come up on this bed and give your mom a hug and
kiss." The boys look to Zach at first, and he nods his head okay. They both
jump up and squeeze their mom as tight as they can.
"We aren't going to hurt you?" Spike asks.
"Absolutely not," Kendall tells them both.
"We came every week to visit you, Mommy," Ian tells her. "We kept asking you
to wake up so we could talk to you, and you could meet little Amelia."
That is Zach's cue to bring their beautiful daughter to meet her mom for the
first time. He gently places Amelia in Kendall's arms. Amelia looks back at her
daddy, and he nods at her that it is okay, this is her mommy. She woke up just
like her storybook of Sleeping Beauty that he reads to her all the time.
Amelia smiles at her mommy, and Kendall just gazes at her daughter. She has a
daughter! "You are so beautiful, my little girl. I promise all of you, Mommy is
going to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. I am going to make up for
all the time we missed out on. That is my promise to all of you.
Scene 3:
The invitations go out to Adam and Brooke, Jake and Amanda, and the Haywards.
They say to be at the Yacht Club tonight at 8 o'clock sharp! They are to be the
Guests of Honor at a special event. So far all the plans are going according to
Scene 4:
"Kayla, I need you to take care of all the items on this to-do list," Greenlee
tells her. "You came to Fusion at the perfect time. Now that my partner and best
friend Kendall has come out of her coma, I am going to want to spend plenty of
time with her. We have a lot to catch up on. I also know she will want to get
right back to work."
"Don't worry about anything, Greenlee," Kayla assures her. "I'll take care
of everything on this list; and if you need anything else, just let me know. It's a miracle your friend woke up and is reunited with her husband and children."
Greenlee grabs her bag and says goodbye. She is going to meet Ryan, and they're heading over to see Kendall.
Kayla sits down at her desk and begins to review the work she needs to do.
She often worked for her dad and is confident she will make Greenlee glad she
hired her as her assistant.
"Excuse me, Miss," says Reggie as he walks into the Fusion office. "I'm
looking for Greenlee," he says to Kayla.
"Ms. Smythe is not in at the moment, she tells Reggie. If you give me your
name, I can tell her you stopped by."
"That's okay. I'll just catch her later at our dad's house. I'm sorry, I
didn't introduce myself. I'm Greenlee's brother Reggie Montgomery. I'm sure you
see the family resemblance."
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