Zach Slater - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions

Zach Slater
by Sarah

Played by:  Thorsten Kaye (2004 - 2011)

Zach was born Alexander Cambias Jr., but after getting brother Michael’s help to stage his death, he became Zach Slater.

Many people feel that he is the bad guy but I never saw that; I just saw a seriously wounded man who will do just about anything to get what he wants. One of the first things we learned about him was that he and Maria Santos Grey had shared real love while she had amnesia. Zach tried to get her back, but in the end he did everything he could to make sure that things were right for Maria and her children; Maria’s happiness came first.

His reasons for coming to Pine Valley were later revealed: he was Alexander Cambias, Jr., son of the controlling, manipulative Alexander Cambias, Sr. and brother of the murdered Michael - a rapist. He had come for revenge.

Zach could not believe that the little brother he had loved so much could have turned into the monster these liars were saying he was, and he wanted Michael’s murderer to pay. Zach eventually learned that the loving little brother hadn’t existed in a very long time, and he set out to try to make up for some of the evil that his brother had bestowed upon Pine Valley. Here, we got to experience the pain and sensitivity of the real Zach.

Then comes Ethan, the son he didn’t known existed. When he found out, he became the son he denied with all that he was. Zach wanted his son, but honestly believed that the Cambias name was a curse, and he would not let his son be cursed as he was. It did not work, though, because everyone found out, and Ethan took it all wrong. He believed not only that he wasn’t wanted by his father, but that his father denied him so he could not get the Cambias fortune. Zach did do some pretty bad things, though, such as marrying Kendall, the woman Ethan loved, to get her away from him for business reasons, because he thought she was bad for him. Technically, that was the best bad thing he did. He Kendall are what love is all about. Later Zach tried, on a few occasions, to show his son that he cared. When Ethan lay dying, and Zach could do nothing to prevent it, he tried his hardest to make up with him, but it was too late.

This man has endured so much pain and continues to do so as he watches his wife lying in a coma, yet he manages to be the strongest, most compassionate, loyal, loving man I have the honor to watch.  

Proofread by Laura on 2/22/11

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Updated 2/23/11

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