Walter Novak - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions

Walter Novak

PLAYED BY:  Bob Hiltermann (August 15, 2007)

Walter Novak is the father of Annie Lavery and Richie Novak. According to Annie, he became deaf after being pushed out of a window by his son. The elementary music teacher then turned to painting. Believing that her brother was a disturbed murderer, Annie falsely testified against Richie, and he was sent him to prison for seven years.  Following an argument with Annie, their mother, Emma, supposedly hanged herself, which prompted Walter to banish his daughter from his life. He now supports Richie and believes Annie is the disturbed one who acts out of jealousy of her younger brother.

Through Annie and her husband, Ryan Lavery, Walter has a granddaughter, Emma Lavery, named after her grandmother. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/22/11

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