Richie Novak - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions

Richard Wesley "Richie" Novak

PLAYED BY:  Billy Miller (August 30, 2007 - September 19, 2008)

The younger brother of Annie Lavery, Richie arrived in Pine Valley after spending seven years in prison for assault and armed robbery. Believing that her brother was a disturbed murderer who pushed their father out of a window, Annie falsely testified against him so he could get the help he needed. Instead he was imprisoned and their mother, Emma, hanged herself following an argument with Annie, who was then estranged from her family. Upon his release, he began tormenting his sister with threats, phone calls, and gifts designed to remind her of their troubled past, while making it look as if she were initiating them herself. 

When he arrived in Pine Valley, Richie used the name Wes Rich and worked as a bartender at The Comeback where he became romantically interested in Babe Chandler, co-owner of the bar with her mother, Krystal. In order to appear the hero he orchestrated a robbery, perpetrated by a prison cellmate, in which he saved Babe from harm. His cohort then conveniently died of a drug overdose.

While Richie and Babe were on a picnic with her son, Little Adam, and his niece, Emma, Ryan and Aidan discovered his true identity and reported him to the police as a dangerous sociopath. After they returned, Ryan and Aidan attempted to use some strong-arm tactics to get him to confess his true intentions, but their plan backfired when the police arrived and Richie made it look like they had tried to hang him. At their arraignment, however, Richie again played the hero when he dropped the charges against Ryan and Aidan, who then vowed to unearth mistakes from his past which they could use against him. Eventually, they discovered that Richie was dying of leukemia. Although they found a childhood friend, Tom Brennan, who knew that Richie had committed murder, Annie's heinous brother ran the witness off. While "borrowing" J.R.'s car to find Tommy, Richie ran down Zach Slater and left him for dead in the woods, making most of Pine Valley believe that a drunken J.R. was responsible for Zach's disappearance. After Ryan figured out that Richie came to Pine Valley to get Ryan and Annie to kill him so his prison psychiatrist could collect on his life insurance, he succeeded in having his dying brother-in-law committed to the hospital Psych ward. While on the run, Greenlee's path crossed Zach's, and the two fell down an abandoned underground bomb shelter. After spending a long month trapped there during which they became close, Zach and Greenlee were finally rescued by Aidan and Kendall. When they were brought into the hospital, Richie (who had escaped with Janet Green's help) feared that Zach would be able to identify him. 

P.S. Annie killed her brother, Richie, in September 2008)

Proofread by Laura on 2/22/11

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