Peter Cortlandt - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions

Peter William "Petey" Cortlandt

Jack McKillop (1997 - 1999)  
Casey Gunther (1999 - 2002)  
Mitchel Federan (2002 - December 24, 2003)  
Daniel Kennedy (July 11, 2008 - October 31, 2009)

Petey is the precocious and often obnoxious offspring of Palmer Cortlandt (Pete Cooney) and the colorful Opal Gardner Purdy Cortlandt. He was born in 1992.

Since he was last seen on Christmas Eve, 2003, he has been at boarding school.  Now a teenager, he's taking college courses at PVU and hanging around Colby Chandler, whose father, Adam, is Palmer's old nemesis from Pigeon Hollow, WV. Before Adam got rid of the car with which Colby, Dré, and Cassandra feared they ran down and killed Richie Novak, Pete tested the blood on its fender and found it to be human. He kept quiet, however, under threat by Adam of having one of his college co-eds accuse Pete of rape. Eventually, Jesse Hubbard, as Pine Valley's chief of police, cleared the teens of Richie's murder, but Pete kept chasing Colby. When he realized that Adam was looking for a way to take over Fusion, Pete concocted "Blast" with which he contaminated the company's new perfume "Bella" on the loading dock during a thunderstorm. As he leaned on a forklift, a thunderbolt went through him, knocking him unconscious. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/15/11

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