Josh Madden - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions


PLAYED BY:  Scott Kinworthy (June 17, 2005 - September 15, 2005) 
                         Colin Egglesfield (September 20, 2005 - present)

Josh Madden wants the best out of life and sees no reason why he shouldn't have it.  Cocky and brash, he doesn't often concern himself with other people's feelings, but every once in a while, he can be surprisingly empathetic to those who matter.

Although the son of Erica Kane and Jeff Martin had been aborted, Dr. Greg Madden implanted the embryo in his infertile wife and raised Josh as his own son. Handsome Josh Madden met Kendall Hart, Greenlee Lavery, and Simone Torres when he caught the three breaking into his father Greg's fertility clinic to steal Greenlee's missing husband's sperm. Josh agreed to keep their secret but later blackmailed Kendall to help him get a job as a producer on her mother's new talk show "New Beginnings", where he quickly impressed her with his skills. Although he possessed a medical degree, he was not practicing because he was rebelling against his overbearing father, who was furious to learn that he was working for Erica, the subject of his long-term crush. Unaware of his true parentage, Josh's ambition to take Erica's place led him to drug her and frame Amanda Dillon. When his intentions were revealed, Erica fired him and threatened to press charges. When she learned he was her son, however, she protected him from the truth, hoping he would soon leave town.

Josh gladly helped Babe Chandler in pretending to be her lover so Jamie Martin would dump her and inherit his great-aunt Phoebe's estate and then go to medical school. The plan worked, but Josh fell deeply in love with Babe. After his grandfather, Joe, found out who Josh was, he hired him to work at PVH and urged Erica to tell Josh about his origins but she wouldn't. When Josh discovered the truth in late July, 2006, he was shocked and disappointed in his mother, but they eventually developed a relationship. Once Jeff learned he had a son in Pine Valley, he returned so he could get to know him.

When Greg Madden died after being buried alive, Josh vowed to find his killer but couldn't. Babe was always there for him, but she regretted having cheated on her husband, J.R., and recommitted herself to him. The attraction to Josh was very powerful, however, and when J.R. learned of their affair, he got drunk and jumped out of a fourth-floor window at the Valley Inn. Feeling guilty about her husband's physical and emotional pain, Babe vowed never to be with Josh again but he couldn't let go. When Babe was attacked by the Satin Slayer, he saved her life and let everyone believe she had died to keep her safe from the serial killer. Josh hoped Babe would run away with him, but J.R. learned the truth and exposed his wife. After the killer was caught, Babe decided to take a break from both men and be single for a while.

Over time, Josh developed close relationships with his sisters, Kendall and Bianca, acting as their protector and confidante. While working for his brother-in-law, Zach Slater, he had a fling with a co-worker, Hannah Nichols. After Zach tricked the Chandlers out of their holdings, he put Josh in charge of Chandler Enterprises, a position he is thoroughly enjoying. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/22/11

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