Hannah Nichols - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions


PLAYED BY:  Stacy Haiduk (3/27/2007 - Present)

Ethan Ramsey Cambias' biological mother with Zach Slater arrived in Pine Valley on March 27, 2007, ostensibly to feel closer to her deceased son.  When she was a maid for Alexander Cambias, Sr., she had an affair with his son, Alex (Zach) resulting in a pregnancy.  When her employer found out, he sent her away and forbade her to tell his son.  In order to keep him away from the bad influence of Alexander Cambias, Sr., Hannah gave her baby up for adoption to Edith and Stanley Ramsey who raised him in England.  After she became a successful businesswoman, Hannah came to Pine Valley to reconnect with her former lover, now using the name Zach Slater, who hired her to work for Cambias Industries which he acquired after his father, Pine Valley's Satin Slayer, was institutionalized. At work, Hannah found a willing sex partner in young Josh Madden, Kendall's half-brother. Secretly, Hannah resents Kendall for having what she never did, a baby with Zach.

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Updated 8/21/14

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