Dré Woods - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions

 André "Dré" Woods

Played by Sterling Sulieman  (September 4, 2007 to August 25, 2008) 

One of three members of hip-hop garage band, Forbidden City, that moved in next door to Tad and Krystal's house, Dre kept his past to himself until a private investigator working for his father, Senator Samuel Woods, came to Pine Valley looking for André Woods.

Since his father doesn't agree with his career choice, Dre decided to flee the life of politics in favor of his music. Colby decided to harbor Dré in the Chandler mansion’s secret tunnels, which were built as part of the Underground Railroad. He eventually resurfaced and made peace with his father who is running for the Senate and wooing the recently liberated Erica Kane.

While driving Colby Chandler's car from her father's lodge after her birthday party, he struck Richie Novak's body and believed that he killed the man. The other occupants of the car, Colby and Cassandra Foster, agreed to keep silent but are cracking under the strain, especially since Cass's stepfather, Jesse Hubbard, now chief of police in Pine Valley, is on their case. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/22/11

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