David Hayward - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions


PLAYED BY:  Vincent Irizarry (1997 - Present)

In 1997, David Hayward, a renowned heart specialist, arrived in Pine Valley for a medical conference and immediately proved what a dastardly doctor he would be by threatening to reveal that his ex-lover Allie Doyle faked her undergraduate transcripts if she didn't rekindle their romance.  In an effort to blackmail Adam by revealing Colby's true paternity in revenge for Liza spurning his advances, David took her amniotic fluid sample from the Pine Valley Hospital lab without permission.  He then slept with innocent Gillian in exchange for giving her money to save Ryan but revealed the agreement to him.  David's mother, Vanessa, was just as menacing when she turned out to be the international drug lord, Proteus.  When Erica was left terribly scarred after a car accident, David saved her life and her face.  In the process, he fell madly in love. The two became engaged, but Erica couldn't live with David's dark side or taking second place to his job, so she ended their relationship.  David's next love was Dixie who was happily married to Tad.  After helping her heal from a serious heart ailment, the doctor used Leslie Coulson to divert Tad, but while attempting to drug him in 2001, he accidentally dosed everyone at the party with the sex drug Libidizone, an anti-impotence drug, including Erica.  Leslie got her revenge when she stabbed him with a letter opener, slicing open his right arm.  He then fell into a coma after Leslie injected pain medicine into his IV.  After Leslie fell from the balcony of Chandler Enterprises, David tried to talk her sister into pulling the plug.  Eventually, David did get Dixie when they struck up a scandalous affair, but her heart remained with Tad who became his enemy for life.  Although Tad accused David of sexually harassing his wife, Dixie convinced him to drop the charges. 

David did have some friends in Pine Valley, though.  After his brother, Leo, died, his wife Greenlee was able to lean on him.  David found true love, a wife, and a baby with the town's police chief, Anna Devane. When their baby daughter, Leora, died of complications from heart surgery, David blamed the Martins and was inconsolable, causing Anna to leave him and Pine Valley.  When visiting Krystal, the mother of his surprise daughter, Babe, in jail, David found Dixie look-alike "Diana Cole," and saw the perfect opportunity to hurt J.R., Tad and the whole Martin clan.  He convinced her to pretend to be Dixie, but the joke was on him, since Diana turned out to be Dixie's half-sister, Di Henry.  David remained devoted to his new daughter, Babe, despite her constant disappointment in him. After nine years in Pine Valley, he left for Indonesia, but not before trying to exact revenge on all those who had wronged him.  He divulged to Dixie that Krystal's baby is really Tad's, sent Tad and Dixie on a fruitless search for their daughter by faking DNA, and told Kendall that Ryan is Emma McDermott's father.

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Updated 8/21/14

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