Colby Chandler - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions




Brianne and Morgan Mullan (2000)  
Kathryn Newton (2001-2004)  
Abby Wathen (2002: a teenage Colby in Adam's visions)  
Ambyr Childers (July 3, 2006 - May 6, 2008)  
Brianne Moncrief (May 7, 2008 - present)  

Colby is the spirited daughter of Adam Chandler and Liza Colby Chandler and the half-sister of Hayley Vaughan Santos and J.R. Chandler. Liza was afraid that Adam, being the manipulative man that he is, would have a negative affect on Colby. She took Colby and left town, and they lived under assumed names.   

A feisty Colby returned in 2006 to Pine Valley as a 15 year old.  Colby initially came across as extremely spoiled, self-centered and arrogant; the world should drop to her feet. She torments Winifred's daughter Sydney by constantly referring to their differing social status. Colby was extremely demanding of Adam: she expected a lavish sweet 16 party, imagining a harem of buff guys carrying her in to the party. Adam ended up having singer Jesse McCartney play at her party, after which, Colby took off on a boat with Sean Montgomery.  The two end up having sex, although Colby was devastated to find that it meant nothing to Sean. Sean returned but no one could find Colby, who took off on the boat and then returned to the manor, hiding in one of the hidden rooms/ hallways. 

A year later the writers allowed us to see the insecure girl looking for her father's love.  While she hated Krystal and worked to prove she had a secret, Colby came to really like her stepmother. We could see a young girl yearning for a loving family that she could feel part of and this was something Krystal could offer. There is a poignant scene between Colby and her father after she helps deliver Krystal's baby. Colby tells Adam that the whole time she was helping Krystal give birth, Krystal kept telling her that she could do it, that she had complete faith in Colby. This was something Colby desperately needed, but Adam could not offer. He tried to tell her that he knew she could do anything, but his controlling, manipulative ways said something different; we see that Adam really loves Colby, but he cannot show her the love she so desperately needs. 

Colby left the Chandler mansion to live with Krystal and Tad who could offer her stability and discipline. In her spare time she worked at Krystal's establishment, The Comeback, and now volunteers at Pine Valley Hospital, where she has developed a crush on young Dr. Frankie Hubbard with whom she was briefly held hostage. When she became very concerned about her father's physical and mental condition, she returned to the mansion to care for him. 

In order to age the character once again, in May, 2008, AMC replaced 19-year-old Ambyr with 25-year-old Brianne. Coincidentally, the first baby to play the role of Colby was also named Brianne.  

Proofread by Laura on 2/2/11

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