Annie Lavery - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions


PLAYED BY:  Melissa Claire Egan (July 10, 2006 - present)

Claiming his family had genetic disabilities, Annie's husband Terry McDermott encouraged her to have a child via artificial insemination. As daughter Emma grew up, Annie discovered Terry was a child sexual predator and became afraid for her daughter, so with the help of an underground rescue group dedicated to helping women like her, Annie ran off before Terry could gain custody.

A member of the rescue group, Jamal Cudahy, brought her to Pine Valley, where another member, Erin Lavery, offered her shelter in her brother Ryan's home. After Ryan found out her story, he agreed to help hide Annie and Emma. While Annie worked at Cambias Industries for him, the two became attracted to each other. Although Terry discovered them, he was killed by Ryan's brother Jonathan. Free and with full custody of Emma, Annie and Ryan's friendship deepened.

Producing a DNA test, David Hayward claimed that Emma, who had been delivered by Dr. Greg Madden, was actually Kate, the long-missing daughter of Tad and Dixie Martin. Although Annie denied the claims, she abruptly left town with Emma because she knew that her DNA did not match her daughter's. A DNA test proved that Emma was not Tad and Dixie's child, but the Department of Family Services took Emma into foster care because Annie couldn't prove that Emma was her daughter. Ryan and Annie finally got Emma back by proving that Annie was a chimera, meaning she had two different DNA strands in her body.

The crisis brought Ryan and Annie even closer, and their friendship blossomed into romance. Since David Hayward had divulged to Kendall that Ryan was actually Emma's father, she asked her brother Josh to run a DNA test which proved the claim on December 28, 2006. Ryan discovered the truth through Kendall's husband, Zach, and eventually informed Annie. After losing his sister, Erin, to the Satin Slayer, Ryan proposed to Annie and convinced her that she was all he wanted. On May 10, 2007, Ryan and Annie were married, but their reception was soon brought to a halt when the police arrested Ryan on charges of bigamy: he had unknowingly wed Annie when he was still technically married to his estranged wife, Greenlee Smythe, who, after two years, had returned to reclaim her old life. Finally realizing that Ryan no longer wanted her, Greenlee agreed to a divorce, making it possible for Ryan and Annie to be legally married.

After Ryan gave up Cambias Industries to Zach Slater, Annie began working for Fusion Cosmetics. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/7/11

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Updated 2/17/11

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