Amanda Dillon - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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Brett and Kevin Salvaggio (early 1990s)  
Julia and Leigh Pikus (early to mid-1990s)  
Phoebe Cutter (mid-1990s)  
Alexis Manta (1996 - May 9, 2000 (Pictured at right with her parents)
Chrishell Stause (May 4, 2005 - present) 

Amanda is the biological daughter of Trevor Dillon and Janet Marlowe Green, conceived while her mother was impersonating her sister Natalie. She was adopted by her Aunt Natalie when Janet was sent to prison for killing Will Cortlandt and kidnapping Natalie at gunpoint.  After Natalie was killed in a car accident, a rehabilitated Janet married Trevor and raised Amanda, as well as her brother/cousin, Timmy (Natalie's son with her ex-husband Alex Hunter). The happy Dillon family moved to Denver, Colorado. 

Once grown up, Amanda reappeared in J.R. Chandler's bed and begged him to let her stay in the mansion. When J.R. caught her stealing from the safe, he proposed that she break up Jamie Martin and Babe's relationship. Playing on their sympathy by claiming that J.R. was drugging her, Amanda moved in with the engaged couple. After Jamie discovered that Amanda was planning on drugging him and marrying him for his money, he began spying on her. When a drunken J.R. hit her with his car in November, 2005, his ex-wife Babe claimed responsibility so that their son wouldn't lose his father if he were sent to jail.

While working for Erica on her TV show "New Beginnings" as Josh Madden's assistant, Amanda kept having black-outs and thought she was responsible for the strange things happening in Pine Valley:  Babe was pushed down a flight of stairs at the hospital, the Thanksgiving pumpkin soup at the Chandler Mansion was poisoned, and Little Adam was kidnapped (later found unharmed in a crèche at a church). Taking advantage of the situation, Josh poisoned his mother Erica and let Amanda take the blame. Although she had figured out that her disturbed mother, Janet, was causing the mayhem in town, Amanda protected her and went to jail. Once she realized her mother was going to blow up the Mardi Gras Ball, Amanda tried to stop her but was caught in the explosion which killed Ethan Cambias. After it was discovered that Janet had also killed her husband, Trevor, she was institutionalized, but Amanda felt guilty and wanted to make amends by becoming a surrogate mother for Dr. Greg Madden. That plan was thwarted, however, when he was killed by Tad Martin who had buried him alive.

While staying with Brooke English, Amanda was helping her autistic friend Lily Montgomery who was seeing Jonathan Lavery despite her father's and his brother's objections. Lily and Jonathan married, but once he recovered from the brain surgery for a tumor that had mentally impaired him, they broke up. Amanda comforted Jonathan, but their sexual relationship ended when he admitted he didn't love her, though she continued to work with him at Fusion's bar, ConFusion. She moved into Wildwind where Di and Del Henry were living with Julia Keefer. After Jonathan's sister, Erin, was killed by the Satin Slayer, he moved out of Ryan's penthouse and joined the gang living at Wildwind, which now also includes Di's boyfriend Aidan Devane, Julia's boyfriend Jamie Martin, her recently adopted child Kathy (biological daughter of Tad and Dixie Martin), and Annie McDermott and Emma (Ryan's biological daughter).

In February, 2007, Jamie Martin and Amanda visited her mother at the institution to gain insight into the psychotic mind of Pine Valley's killer. A more stable Janet then got a day pass to visit to her daughter at Wildwind. Although Jonathan welcomed her back, he helped Janet see that her surprise appearance on the day of Dixie and Babe's combined funeral was a bad idea because her daughter needed more time before accepting Janet back into her life. Before Janet left, Amanda promised to visit her. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/7/11

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