Alexander Cambias, Sr. - All My Children Character Description From The TV MegaSite
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AMC Character Descriptions


PLAYED BY:  Ronald Guttman (2003, 2005, 2007)

Tombstone reads: "Alexander Cambias, Sr., Beloved Father, Beloved Husband, 8/1/1942 - 8/29/2003"

Zach Slater's father faked his death in 2003 when he left Cambias Enterprises to Ryan Lavery in order to redeem the family name which had been besmirched by his evil son, Michael. In February of 2007, it was revealed that Alexander is alive, and he is the Satin Slayer, Fusion's serial killer who used a drug which causes Ventricular Tachycardia or V-Tach to attack and murder Simone Torres (12/4/06), Erin Lavery (12/12/06), Danielle Frye (murder attempt on 1/11/07), Dixie Cooney Martin (1/30/07), Max (Babe's bodyguard on 2/12/07), and attempted to murder Babe Carey Chandler (2/12/07). On 2/16/07, Babe woke up from an induced coma and was kept hidden at the casino by Zach Slater, Kendall Hart-Slater, Jack Montgomery, and Doctors Josh Madden, and Jeff and Joe Martin. On 2/19/07, the Satin Slayer brutally beat Zoe, nearly killing her.

Alexander's motivation for all this mayhem is punishing his first-born son, Zach (born Alexander Cambias, Jr.) by figuring out what's important to him and then taking it away, because he faked his own death at 18 years of age to escape his controlling father's clutches. His ultimate target is Kendall whom Zach is desperately trying to save.

Zach believes that he is responsible for his mother Amelia's death: she fell off a balcony on her way to meet her lover, Raymond Jenkins, to begin a new life. Since her favorite flowers were gardenias, and she wore satin ribbons in her hair, Alexander is using those symbols to torture Zach by placing them on the dead women's bodies. 

Proofread by Laura on 2/7/11

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Updated 2/17/11

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