Young & The Restless Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Trivia Quiz Pages

Y&R Trivia Quizzes

Quiz by Suzanne 7/4/12

1.  Who had an abortion and then went crazy?

a. Phyllis

b. Lauren

c. Ashley

d. Nikki

e. Victoria

2. Whose father went missing and then had permanent amnesia?

a. Victor

b. Paul

c. Jack

d. Deacon

e. Daniel

3. Who faked his death for many years?

a. Phillip

b. Jack

c. Cane

d. Murphy

e. Neil

4. Who owned a jazz club for a while?

a. Cane

b. Malcolm

c. Devon

d. Neil

e. Jack

5.  Who was kept in a cage by Sheila?

a. Paul

b. Victor

c. Jack

d. Nick

e. Daniel

6. Who was raped by Matt Clark?

a. Phyllis

b. Sharon

c. Nikki

d. Drucilla

e. Victoria

7. Who hasn't slept with Billy?

a. Sharon

b. Chloe

c. Victoria

d. Chelsea

e. Daisy

8. Who made Ashley think she was going crazy?

a. Deacon

b. Billy

c. Daniel

d. Adam

e. Victor

9.  Who grew up in an orphanage?

a. Malcolm

b. Jack

c. Victor

d. Daniel

e. Billy

f. Neil

10. Which character has not been in jail?

a.  Gloria

b. Avery

c. Nick

d. Victor

e. Michael


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. E
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B

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Page updated 7/4/12

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