All My Children Top Ten List From The TV MegaSite

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AMC Top Ten List

10 Things You could only do in Pine Valley, PA
by Jessica

10. Never go to work and still be one of the richest people in town!

9. Commit murder and face little to no jail time!

8. Have an incurable disease & still manage to live!

7. "Die" 3 or 4 times in tragically, unexplained accidents, but rise from the dead just in time for Sweeps!

6. Vanish without a word, & not be mentioned by anyone ever again!

5. Make someone love you!

4. Be flat broke with debt, and still manage to wear designer clothes, eat at 5-star restaurants, & go on luxury vacations!

3. Kill a person and assume their identity to get what you want!

2. Fly to another country and back within a few hours or even minutes!

1. Go swimming in the infamous Pennsylvania Ocean!!!!

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Page updated 5/21/10

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