by Patsy
What’s wrong with these chicks at the business called
They each have their own quirks and hang-ups without reason.
Starting a business from scratch that makes millions in the first year,
Doesn’t make their life full, have to have a man to hold dear.
Simone is the one who jumps from bed to bed,
Her dad isn’t kind, and messed with her head.
Mia takes a dream and tries to make it come true,
It’s Aiden she wants now, she thinks he’s true blue.
Greenlee has found a new dad and he’s great and he’s rad,
But for some strange reason, Greenlee is still sad.
Kendall is the most confused without reason,
She has a new man whom she loves each season.
The women make a great team if they’d stick together
each day,
Instead of trying to one up each other I have to say.
It’s tough being beautiful, having money and dreams,
But on a soap, things never work out easy it seems.
Page updated 5/26/10
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