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AMC Fan Fiction

"Sibling Reunion" By Susan

Kendall and Trey

One day Trey Kenyon knocked on his sister Kendall Hart’s door and ran his hand over his brown hair as he waited for her to answer. When she did, he stared at her blue eyes and curly hair and said “ remember me Sis. It’s me your brother Trey. I have some things to say to you.” He pushed his way in and turned to face her. She stared into his hazel eyes and said “ Trey you are out of jail? So good to see you. I didn't think you deserved to go to jail for setting fire to my mother’s house.” Trey said"nice of you to remember I was in jail and why. I thought I’d receive a visit or two from my sister whom I was connecting with when I was arrested but she never came. Guess you went on with your life and forgot all about me.” Kendall said “ I was shocked to find out you got arrested and wouldn’t be coming back. I meant to come and visit you but my life got crazy with work and my family.” Trey said “ really? I thought you and I was family but I guess not.You could have convinced your mother Erica to go to her lover

Jack to get the charges dropped but you didn’t.” Kendall replied “ I did go to Jack on your behalf but he told me about the plea deal you two made and I thought it was fair so I let it go.” Trey icily looked at her and said “ I don’t believe you. Even if you did do that that doesn't excuse why you never visited me once. Did you ever think I'd like a visit from my sister but I guess not. You were too wrapped up in your own little world as usual to think of anyone but yourself. No wonder Greenlee Smythe and you are besties, you are both alike.” Kendall said “ now that you are out, I’d like to get to know you better like we were before you went away.” Trey laughed and said “ I went to jail Kendall not on an extended trip. Forget it your gesture about getting to know one another is too little too late. The time for that was when I was locked up. You had your chance to get to know me but I got to know you from your non visits. You are the type of person I don’t care to know better or need in my life. I want nothing to do with you. Go on with your life and continue forgetting you have a brother because from this point on I no longer have a sister. Goodbye Kendall.” Kendall’s blue eyes teared up as Trey walked out and slammed the door.

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Page updated 10/28/18

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