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AMC Fan Fiction

The Men of Erica Kane’s Boudoir: A Biography
By Linda T. Jackson

To all the men I’ve loved before …..

To all the men you’ve come in and out and out my door …..

      I dedicate this book to all the men I’ve loved before.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Dying Words of Mike Roy

Chapter 2 Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love Travis Montgomery.  So, I Came Back For More, Stud

Chapter 3 I’m Prince Dimitri. Let Me Sweep You Away On My White Horse.

Chapter 4 Where Have You Been All My Life, Jackson Montgomery?


Chapter 1 The Dying Words of Mike Roy

          “Oh, Mike, you never take me on vacation.  You are always too busy working.  Well, this year I want you to take me somewhere special.  No excuses. Besides, you owe me at least one”, says Erica whining and pouting about it.  With Mike’s hands around her waist and sighing, he says, “Alright, sweetheart.  I love you very much, and, yes you are certainly right, I do owe you one.  So, where would you like to go this year, beautiful?”  Looking really coy at him, Erica says, “Well, how about we go up to our cabin in the Alps for a week or two and I enjoy the snow and you enjoy me, if you know what I mean?” With his eyes wide open, “Oooh, I think I’m going to definitely enjoy this vacation

          So, they take off for the Alps the week before Christmas for two glorious weeks of fun in the snow.  But, little does she know, Erica may come back alone.

          Anyway, Mike and Erica are now up in the Alps enjoying their vacation.  They have just arrived at their cabin, opened the door and turned on the lights.  Mike walks before Erica with the suitcases and puts the suitcases down near the living room sofa while Erica is looking around and is amazed that things still look the way they do after not being there for so long.

          Erica is walking towards the fireplace and Mike quickly grabs her from behind and throws on to the sofa and kisses her and they make mad passionate love that whole day.

          The next morning, they are still in bed with breakfast already served to them.  They are deciding what they are going to do for the rest of the day. “So, beautiful, what would you like to do on this glorious day?”, Mike says. “Well, since we came up here to ski, I guess that’s what we are going to do….for some of the time,” she starts to have a coy look on her face again, “you know what we will be doing the other part of the time.”

          So, after enjoying each other’s company in bed and in the shower, they got dressed and prepared themselves for a day at the slopes.  Mike polished his skis and Erica dressed as Mike’s ski bunny.  They are off to the slopes, but what they didn’t realize is, someone had followed them from Pine Valley to the Alps in order to kill Mike.

          Anyway, Erica is a beginner skier so she stayed on the bunny slope, but Mike decided to go on the more advanced slope. He kissed Erica good-bye, but that would be the last kiss he would ever give her.  About an hour later, when she was at the lodge, a police officer had approached her and told her that Mike had been shot and that his body was found on the slopes and that she needed to identify his body.  The only thing of his that she was hanging on to that day was a gold cross that he had given her on their anniversary.  On the other hand, his body was unrecognizable the only thing that she could identify him by was the   birth mark of a mushroom on his right thigh.

Chapter 2 I Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love, Travis Montgomery. 

          It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and Erica, still mourning the death of Mike Roy, in her black dress is eating brunch at the Pine Valley Country Club with her best friend, Myrtle.   When in comes the most gorgeous man that Erica has ever seen in her life, but she becomes shy.

          At first glance, he notices her and approaches her, “Hi, I’m Travis, Travis Montgomery.  I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room.  You are so stunning and so beautiful.  I’d like to get to know you, but first I’d like to know what your name is?” With her head down a little down and smiling, “I’m Erica Kane”.

          All of a sudden, Myrtle says with a charming smile, “I think I have some errands to run.  So, I’ll see you later, darling.”

          So, now that Erica is alone with Travis, Erica motions to Travis to sit down beside and join her for a cup of coffee.  They start to talk a little, but before they go any further, she makes it very clear to Travis that she is still mourning the death of her late husband and, at this point, she isn’t ready and interested in jumping into another relationship just yet.  But, during the next year, Travis keeps trying to get a date with her.  After much persistence, she finally says yes.  He is so taken by her that the next year they were married and then, the following year Bianca came into the picture.

Chapter 3 I’m Prince Dimitri. Let Me Sweep You Away On My White Horse.

Erica drives up in her Mercedes, which Dimitri bought her on their wedding, to the Marick Mansion, from a night of being with Jackson Montgomery.  The evening air is crisp, the moon is bright and the trees are whistling in the wind. She finally gets to the front of the Marick Mansion and gets out of her car with her gold purse as her shawl is blowing softly in the wind as she runs towards the dimly lit front door.  She’s looking for her keys, but she accidentally drops her purse and is scrambling around to pick everything up and putting everything back in her purse.

 In the meantime, Dimitri in the upstairs bedroom is having a romantic liaison with Gloria Marsh thinking that Erica will not be home for another two hours. Little did he know…

 Erica finally picks up everything from the floor, straightens herself up, puts the key in the door and turns the key.  The living room is dark, except for a dimly lit lamp that is on.  She reaches over to put her keys and her purse on a silver plate underneath a desk that’s underneath a gold mirror.  She’s looking around curiously because she remembers Dimitri saying that he wouldn’t be home, but she tilts her head to the right because she remembers seeing his car in the driveway.  So, she looks around for him downstairs at the same time taking off her shoes and leaving them in front of the sofa and taking off her shawl and draping it over the sofa.

 All of a sudden she hears a giggling sound coming from the upstairs, so she runs upstairs to the front of her door and swings it open very hard.  Dimitri and Gloria both get startled. Dimitri is covered from the waist down and, of course, Gloria is covered from the shoulders down.  Erica angrily walks over to them and says, “Dimitri, what is the meaning of this?  Why do you have a whore in my bed?”  Before she could give him a chance to answer, she already walked out, and Dimitri is fumbling around to find his rob and follow her downstairs to explain things.

 Now, that they are downstairs and in the living room, Dimitri says, “Erica, you’ve got to let me explain things!” Erica says, “Explain what! Your little girlfriend here explained it all!  There is nothing to explain!” Gloria has now come down the stairs in a skimpy rob and says, “Erica, I did mean for any of this to happen.  It just did.”  With tears in her eyes and with an angry tone, Erica says, “Well, I will not tolerate this in my house.” She turns to Dimitri with still tears and anger says, “I want you to leave my house and” as Dimitri is leaving to go upstairs “take this little hussy with you, too.” Gloria leaves to go upstairs, too.  Erica cries on the sofa for hours.

Chapter 4 Where Have You Been All My Life, Jackson Montgomery?

          Now that Erica is going through a bitter divorce with Dimitri she needs a good attorney, but who is she going to find?  So, she asks around to her friends.   Opal says that she is new in town and doesn’t know anybody in town just yet.  So, she goes and asks her long time friend, Myrtle.  “Oh, Myrtle, I just don’t know what to do.  I’m going through yet another divorce with Dimitri and I just don’t trust anyone to handle my case.  I don’t want that bastard to win.”, says  Erica in anger.  “Sweetheart, I know someone in the District Attorney’s office who would be happy to take the case.  He is a very compassionate and sweet man.”, says Myrtle Fargate.

        So, with a trust that she has for Myrtle, Erica goes to see Jackson Montgomery and reveals that she wants to divorce Dimitri Marick because she caught him in bed cheating with another woman.  She wants Jackson to make sure that he gets everything that is coming to him, meaning that he gets nothing. 

          From this sparks a friendship and then a on and off again relationship.  Every time something seems to go wrong in Erica’s life, the one thing that seems comfortable and familiar is Jackson.  Jack realized that he can never be without Erica and proposed to Erica.  Looking seriously at Jackson, “Jack, I do love you, but…..” Looking intently at her, “Yes, Erica, but, what?” Feeling guilty inside and hanging her head a little, “Jack, I can’t in good conscience marry you.  If anything happen to our marriage, I could never forgive myself.  At least this way, we can be very close friends.”  Of course, this hit Jack very hard, but……..

Page updated 5/26/10

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