Fan Fiction
Episode #49
By Patti G
Scene 1:
After a seemingly long wait Adam, returns informing the group that the
transfer of funds has been made. They decide that when and/if Ellie receives the
location of the antidote, Adam and David will be the ones to go get it. Jake and
Griffin will stay here with the women, in case they need medical assistance; and
Tad and Reggie will head over to the Pine Cone Motel and grab Ellie's father.
All of them suddenly turn their heads and see Cara walking in. Ellie is the
first to speak.
"I thought your were sick. They told me the symptoms had already started and
that you and the baby were in jeopardy."
"I'm sorry, Ellie. We needed an ace in the hole, so to speak, to nudge you into
revealing the plan in case you put up some resistance," Tad tells her.
"I told you I did not know that Dr. Hayward was pregnant. I never would hurt
an innocent child."
"We believe you," Brooke tells her, "but we had no choice. Everything depended
on you cooperating."
Suddenly Ellie's cell phone chimes. She looks at it and opens the text
message. As she takes off her necklace and gives David the key, she says,
"Go to the Pine Valley Train Center and it is locker #72. The antidote will be
there with directions on dosage.
Scene 2:
Emma's head is spinning trying to process all the information she has
discovered. Now she must figure out the best way to use this information to her
There is a knock on her bedroom door, and she hears her dad asking to come in.
"Sure, Dad, just wait one sec, so I can throw a shirt on." In reality Emma is
grabbing all the papers with the new info off her bed and tucks them away. She also
remembers to turn her laptop off. She will later delete her search history as
"Okay, you can come in, Dad."
Ryan sits down on his daughter's bed and says, "I know you are aware your
mother might be released from Oak Haven soon. I want to talk to you about that,
all right?"
"Sure, Dad, I know you're not happy that she will be out."
"Emma, I don't hate your mother. In fact, I wish her well after she is
released. I realize she has made over the past five years a lot of progress in
dealing with her psychological issues. My hope is that with her new mindset and
the therapeutic medicine, she will make a real go of it and have a good life. In
fact, I've made some arrangements for her as to settling in back here. I still
need to finalize your visiting arrangements with her doctor and the courts, but I'm sure we can work something out."
"Dad, thank you so much for cooperating on this. I know that you and Greenlee
have made sure I had a firm foundation at home as well as allowing me to visit
with my mom. I do realize, whether you know it or not, that she did do many
horrible things when she was sick, but she is still my mom and I love her."
"I understand completely, Emma. There is one thing, though, you could do for me
to help."
"Anything, Dad. What do you need me to do?"
"Please, don't say anything to anyone about your Mom being released especially
to Greenlee. I have to find the right time to approach her on this. Can you do
that for me?"
"I will, Dad. No problem. I wouldn't want to freak Greenlee out. I love her
so much, like a second mom."
Ryan is pleased their talk went well and that he has bought some time before
having to confront Greenlee about Annie.
Scene 3:
The doctor asks Annie to sit down, so she can go over the terms of her
"You will be released in two weeks, Annie. There are certain rules, though,
that you
must follow to the letter. If you break any of these protocols or in that fact
any new crimes, you will be remanded back to Oak Haven or prison. Do you
Annie looks at the doctor and says, "I'll follow the rules totally, Doctor.
I just can't wait to get out of here and begin my life over. I also will be able
to see Emma more often."
"About seeing Emma, the courts have not signed off on what visiting schedule
you will have. They still have to talk to Ryan about this. Also, the court may
wait a few weeks before you can visit with her just to see if you are complying
with the terms of your release. You will have to see me three times a week and
check in with your parole officer once a week. You must take your medication
every day and on time. Noncompliance will get you sent back. There will be
random drug tests, as well."
"As for your living arrangements, Ryan has generously purchased a one-bedroom
condo for you to live in, completely furnished. Ryan will also
provide you with a generous allowance to live on until you are able to go back
to work and get a job."
"Wow, Doctor. I'm totally amazed that Ryan is stepping up to the plate on
this. I realize he is under no obligation to do this. I want to get my life back
on track, and I promise that, as soon as I am allowed to work, I will find something and
take care of myself."
Scene 4:
A train pulls into the Pine Valley Station. After it stops, as people get off,
there is one very interesting young man with a lone suitcase.
Next Episode
To all my loyal readers, thank you so much for taking your time each week to
read my AMC fan fiction. Next week's episode marks the 50th. I'm planning on several new
stories that will affect almost all the characters in Pine Valley.
As always, if you have any comments, please write to
Have a safe and happy Labor Day!
Patti G
Page updated 8/30/14
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