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AMC Fan Fiction

Episode #62
By Patti G

Summer time in Pine Valley is always so beautiful. The trees are green and lush, and the flowers are in full bloom. After such a long, cold winter, people are happy to feel the warmth and not have to be bundled up in layers of clothes. It seems like everything and everyone is getting a fresh start.

Scene 1:

Tad is at his desk going over bills and other assorted paperwork that has been piling up. He thinks to himself that this part of his job is not his strong suit. The office door opens and in walks Reggie.

"I thought you were taking the morning off?" says Tad.

"I did too. I had a checkup at the hospital and thought it would take longer than it did."

"Well," says Tad, "What's the upshot?"

"Frankie tells me I'm healing very well and quicker than he expected. I still have to take certain things easy, but all in all he calls my recovery a complete success. He says that considering the trauma my body went through, I am very lucky."

"Well, does that mean you're coming back to work full time? Because I know that the police are still trying to find the person who shot you, but let's face it, they have their hands full. I thought that you and I could take some time and look into it ourselves, that is if you are in to it."

"I would love nothing better than to find out who shot me, Tad. I need to know not only who did it but why."

"Okay, partner. Let's roll up our sleeves and do some detecting."

Scene 2:

Bianca and Marissa are at Krystal's Café having an early lunch. It has been so hard for them to get time alone with both their jobs and their family. They agree making time just for them is something they need to do more often.

Dixie and Brooke walk into the Café. On their way to a table, they spot Marissa and Bianca. They stop and walk over to them to say hello.

"Well, it's nice to see both of you," says Brooke. "It has been too long."

They all exchange pleasantries and ask about each other's families.

Brooke asks Marissa and Bianca if they've heard from Jack and Krystal recently? She says that in the short time since Jack's election, he has done some real positive things for the state. "How are they settling into living in the Governor's Mansion?

Marissa tells them that Krystal is trying to get used to having a staff around. She is taking her position as First Lady very seriously and is working on several projects she hopes will be successful and help many disenfranchised people in the state.

Brooke tells them she has spoken to Krystal about doing an article for Tempo on what it's like being a First Lady and what she is working on. She hopes they can get together soon.

Scene 3:

Brot and Tim are at the station both doing follow-up paperwork on closed and ongoing cases.

Brot says, "I was thinking when we're done with this stuff, we could take some time to look over the case notes on Reggie's shooting. Maybe we'll see something we missed or find a new lead."

"I don't know what there is to find. We as well as the other detectives have not found anything new. I hate to say this, Brot, but I don't think we are ever going to find out who did this. Without any new leads, there's nothing to follow up."

Brot says, "I can't give up on this, Tim. Something about the shooting just feels wrong to me. Besides just finding the shooter and putting them away, my gut tells me there is more to the whole thing than we know."

Scene 4:

After looking over all the case notes they have on the shooting, Tad and Reggie are no further than when they started.

Reggie tells Tad that he is going to run over to the station and speak to Jesse. Maybe he has some new information he can get from him.

Tad tells Reggie to go for it. He will stay here and make some calls to try and find out about any new leads or any talk on the street.

To be continued…

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Page updated 5/23/15

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