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AMC Fan Fiction

Episode 10
By Patti G

Scene 1:

David is seated at his desk when he hears the knock on his door. “Come,” he says.

In walks Barnett. “Got a minute, Doctor?”

David waves him in and points at a chair. “What can I do for you?” he asks.

“I think it is time I told you why I am really here,” Barnett says.

Barnett tells David that he was diagnosed with a rare genetic blood disorder a few months ago. He has seen all of the top specialists both here and abroad, and they all tell him the same thing. Get your affairs in order, as there is nothing that can be done. Barnett tells David that he is not a man to give up that easily, especially when he has a wife and children and a life he is not read to give up yet. Barnett tells David he remembers reading about him and the work he did and figured it was worth a shot to come see him.

David looks at Barnett and agrees to take a look at his case. If he thinks he might possibly be able to help, he will, but what is in it for him?

Barnett laughs and asks David if curing a possibly terminal man is not reason enough? If David takes the case, Barnett promises to make a very generous check out to The Hayward Institute. If David is able to cure him, he will make an even more generous check out to The Institute.

David smiles and says he will take a look at Barnett’s files.

Barnett tells David there is one more thing he should know. As he mentioned, his disease is genetic. The doctors have assured him that because his wife does not carry the gene for this disease, his children are safe. However, he does have a sister who could possibly be at risk for this same blood disorder. "You know her, Dr. Hayward. She is Angie Hubbard."

Scene 2:

Jack and Krystal are sitting at home having breakfast when he asks how she is feeling about his press conference this afternoon.

Krystal tells Jack that she is 100% behind him on this. She has given it a lot of thought since he first approached her, and she thinks he is the best man for the job. She does remind him that once the announcement is made, their personal life will be open for all to inspect and judge. Is he sure that he is ready for that? Her past could be a detriment to his plans. Jack reassures his wife that whatever has happened in the past is the past, and that he would not want anyone else beside him while he does this.

Krystal smiles at her husband, pleased that he feels so strongly about her but secretly worries that she might be the thing that crashes and burns his plans to run for governor of the state.

Scene 3:

Tim walks up the sidewalk to the Martin house with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and two small gifts for his niece and nephew. He is very nervous; it has been so many years since he has seen Amanda.

Tim rings the bell and, a few moments later, the door opens and standing there is a beautiful woman holding a little baby. He can’t believe this is Amanda.

Amanda speaks first, telling him to come in. Tim enters, and she goes to give him a kiss. She can’t believe he is here; it has been way too long.

Tim hands her the flowers and holds out the two gift boxes explaining they are for the kids. Amanda thanks him and asks if he would like to hold his niece. He says sure, and takes the baby in his arms.

Amanda gestures to him to sit down on the sofa where she has some iced tea and cookies on the table. "I remember you always did like gingerbread cookies," she tells Tim. She says it is strange seeing him after so long. How did they let so much time pass? She tells Tim he looks good and that she was happy when he called and said he was coming to Pine Valley to work for the police force.

Tim tells Amanda he was happy when he found out about the job and that he would be able to see his sister all the time now.

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Page updated 5/18/13

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