Episode 8
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Zach pushes the stroller through the entrance of The Hayward Institute.
Coming here is always hard, but if Kendall is aware on any level of his presence, it
is worth it to him.
He approaches the reception desk, and Nurse Carson welcomes him.
She tells
Zach before he even has to ask, that there is no change in his wife's condition.
Zach is not surprised. Nurse Carson comments on how big Amelia has gotten. She
certainly looks just like her mother.
Zach heads down to Kendall's room and goes in. He takes Amelia out of her
stroller and bends over to give his wife a kiss and to let their daughter kiss
her also.
How could this be happening to their family again? Everything was going so
well in their lives. Their marriage was back on track, the boys were healthy,
and both Fusion and the casino were doing well. When Kendall told Zach she was
pregnant again, he was over the moon. Even more importantly Kendall was, as well. When
they found out from the ultrasound that the baby was a girl, they both were
overjoyed. Their family was now complete. Kendall's pregnancy was completely
normal. Unlike with Spike and Ian, she went completely to term. Then she went
into labor, and yes it went on for a long time, but Dr. Clater assured them that
this was very common. Suddenly, Kendall's monitors went off, and the doctors
told them they had to rush her into surgery and perform a C-section, because the baby
was in distress. After a quick scare, the doctors delivered a beautiful and healthy
baby girl and placed her in Zach's arms. Again, alarms started going off and the
team of doctors pushed Zach aside to focus all their attention on Kendall.
Something was terribly wrong, Kendall was not responsive!
Now it is three years later, and Kendall lies in a coma. She has never even
seen her beautiful daughter, Amelia (named after Zach's mother).
David quietly enters the room and places his hand on Zach's shoulder. Zach
turns to face David and asks him if there has been any change? Unfortunately,
David tells Zach no, but he is going to try a new drug therapy, and he has high
hopes that this might work. Zach knows David has worked hard trying to bring
Kendall back, but he has faced disappointment too many times to get his hopes up
too high.
Scene 2:
Opal strolls up to the front door and rings the bell. From inside, she hears a
voice calling out that she will be right there.
When the door opens, Opal sees a beautiful young woman standing in front of
her, dusted in baking flour and cradling a young child.
"Come on in," says Bianca. "I was so glad you called and said
you wanted to come by for a visit."
Opal follows Bianca back to the kitchen where she puts the baby down in the
playpen. "Gaby forgot to tell me until this morning that she needs three dozen
chocolate chip cookies for school tomorrow morning," Bianca tells Opal.
Opal sits down at the table and Bianca brings over the pot of coffee and two
mugs and sits down with her friend.
Opal asks Bianca if she has spoken to her mother recently. Bianca tells her
yes, just last night. Bianca says that Erica is very busy with some new project
that the networks are very interested in. Opal tells Bianca that is great news.
She is happy for her "gal pal" out there in LA, but she surely misses having her
here in Pine Valley. Bianca agrees she misses her mother very much too.
Opal nervously asks Bianca if there is any news on Kendall. Bianca tells her
that according to Zach, nothing has changed. Opal says that it must be very hard
for Bianca to not have her sister or mother around.
Bianca tells Opal that it is difficult and she misses them both, but with
Marissa, the kids, and The Miranda Center it helps keep her busy.
Opal mentions to Bianca that Miranda was at The Boutique the other day and
that they had a talk about Miranda's plans for the summer. Opal asks Bianca what
she would think about Miranda going to visit Erica for a while out in LA?
Bianca asks Opal if that's what Miranda wants to do? "Is that the real
reason that you came by today?"
Opal admits to Bianca that she promised Miranda that she would talk to her
about the visiting Erica idea. Bianca asks Opal why Miranda did not come
directly to her about the idea. Opal suggests that Miranda thought that she
(Bianca) might need some softening up before she would consider agreeing.
Bianca is somewhat disappointed that her daughter felt the need to have
someone intercede on her behalf. Opal tells Bianca not to feel so bad, that
girls of Miranda's age have a difficult time opening up to their mothers. Opal
holds back from Bianca the fact that Miranda finds Pine Valley boring and wants
to move out to LA with Erica permanently. Miranda might have Bianca's heart, but
she shares a need for excitement and drama just like Erica and Kendall.
Scene 3:
Emma opens the door to the penthouse and throws her purse on the table.
anyone home?" she calls out.
Ryan comes walking down the stairs and sees Emma lying on the sofa, her tablet
out, surfing the Web.
"Hey, Dad," Emma says. "What are you doing home so early?"
Ryan tells Emma he came home, because her school called him
at work informing him that she was not there today.
"I guess I'm busted," Emma says.
"Totally, young lady," says Ryan. "Do you want to tell me
where you were today that was more important than going to school?"
Emma tells Ryan that she took the bus out to Oak Haven to see her
"You did what!" says Ryan.
Emma asks why it is such a big deal. She hasn't seen her mother in so long
and really missed her. She knows that Ryan is more lenient about Emma
visiting Annie, but he still is not fond of her going there. Annie seems to stir up
Emma's wild side.
Ryan has to admit that Emma has been a bit of a handful in the past five
years. She is still basically a good kid, but she seems to have inherited too
much of Annie's game playing. Greenlee, who herself admits to have been a
spoiled child growing up, has warned Ryan not to give into Emma all the time.
Ryan, though, still feels guilty about the break-up of his and Annie's marriage
and the fact that Annie is still stuck at Oak Haven. He knows that, while Emma has
never said it, she holds him somewhat responsible.
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Page updated 5/5/13
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