Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

I have to start out this week's Thoughts by saying that the two episodes this
week were to me very boring. I actually had trouble thinking of things to write.
I see they took the profanity out of the show.
Real nice 6-pack, Pete.
Evelyn calling Pete odd, because he sent an outfit to Celia when she has her
account for her every minute of the day?
It kind of disturbs me having Opal team up with Colby against Celia.
People are truly clueless about other people’s feelings.
Jesse has become a loose cannon.
Zach and Miranda are getting so close that I know what is going to happen when she
finds out about Michael and the rape.
Changing the locks good, installing an alarm better.
Great seeing Myrtle.
I see they are making Dr. Anders into a hunk now.
Well, that is about all for now. Have a Great Labor Day Weekend! I cannot
believe the summer is over. It passes faster and faster every year, or maybe
just cause I am getting old? Stay safe everyone.
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 8/31/13
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