Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Giving Opal something to do on the show is wonderful, a red carpet
interviewer? Her own talk show? That I question. It is great David Canary came back to the show even for brief time
but it sort of locked Brooke in. I hear something is in the works for
Brooke, Dimitri, and Adam in the upcoming season, so let us hope things
will get interesting.
I liked Miranda bringing up the past to David.
Dr. Anders hopefully has a good story coming up. Who is that girl in
the picture? Will Dixie be a part of this story?
I understand Dixie wants to protect Cassandra, but Dr. Anders is
correct that if there is nothing medically wrong with her, she has no
reason to be in the hospital. Now she needs to either go home to her
family to continue therapy and/or find a place for her to go to get
additional help.
Really JR stealing a prescription sheet? Do you even know how to
write something out that would pass at a pharmacy? I don't think so.
Erica stole Maria's prescription pad years ago when she was addicted to
pills and that didn’t work out so well.
Having David at the mansion for the gala might put him in a position
to see Oliver, his son. If he does, will he feel a connection to him?
David sure can bring out the old mean as a junkyard dog JR like
nobody else.
Based on Celia's flashbacks, maybe Colby has more to worry about than
she thinks with Celia?
I am beginning to think Billy Clyde really wants to be a better man
and is using Palmer as a guide to measure up to.
I guess the couple walking right past AJ and Heather into the gala
were "nobody's."
Must be nice to have handcuffs ready when you want to keep a man to
talk to about something and not have him get away, right, Lea?
Despite Zach being angry at Lea for turning on Jesse, I think he does
respect that she has certain values that keep her on the right path.
While Zach is always one to bend rules, I believe he does respect people
who commit to something and don't sway their beliefs on a whim.
I also like that both Lea and Zach put the brakes on things. Zach is
still not over Kendall, and Lea might have some issues herself. I am
guessing that right after they do get together, that is when Kendall will
make her next appearance.
Once again, a person puts a necklace on someone, and they do it
perfectly the first time and in 2 seconds. I guess we know who is going
to bid on that necklace and who will wind up getting it, right?
I know they don't have the full cast of yesterday to throw out, but it
seems like this party is very light on "A-list" guests. They just don’t
have the bodies to fill out the party like they used to.
Nice! I spotted Joe Martin in the background.
Heather is bidding on Pete? One, isn’t Celia her BFF and second, I
guess she has more money that we were led to believe. I know she goes to
the private school, but she is already up to $800 in the auction.
So who placed the bid for Celia, Billy Clyde or her guardian?
Dress Review:
- Cara – Nice but looks like she was
wrapped like a mummy.
- Brooke – Very nice, nothing spectacular.
A very safe choice.
- Colby – Very daring like you would
expect from her, liked her hair curly, and having David on her arm
doesn’t hurt either. I see Colby is doing an Angelina Jolie pose on
the red carpet.
- Heather's dress and hair look like she
is going to the prom in the 50's.
- Opal's dress has way too much going on.
If she would lose the boa, that would help immensely.
- Dixie looks lovely, but it seems like the
theme for the night is neutral colors.
- Celia – Loved her dress. Like Miranda's
it had a wonderful summer quality about it.
Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 8/9/13
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