Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

It was nice to see Colby using her clout as a Chandler for good not evil. Her
family did not practically start PVH, though.
If AMC were to be considered for the Emmy's or any awards, I think Sal Stowers
(Cassandra) should get a young actress award. She has knocked her story out of
the park each episode.
I like that AJ has a taste for Classic Rock!
I have said it before but for me when characters are saying their lines, it is
great. However, when the writers give them what is supposed to be "casual
conversation," it always sounds uncomfortable to listen to, in fact almost
awkward. It is the same way when characters make some excuse to leave the room
so another character can enter or the character they were with can do something
behind their back.
While I see an issue down the line regarding Angie and David's "friendship,"
I think it is nice to see David caring about someone who is not under his thumb
but just a real friend to him as Angie has come to be.
David sure told Cara when he compared what she went through to Cassandra's
situation. However, Cara was right that "her situation" was nothing like what
Cassandra was put through. Even though we know that Cara never aborted their
baby. It is possible that Cassandra's story line might tie in with others, like
Miranda's paternity and Cara not having had the abortion and David finding out
his son is alive.
Okay, Lea stepped up for Jesse. Did you notice the contrite look on her face
when she came out of the judge's chambers? Although Jesse will have to give up
being Chief of Police, I think that is a small price to pay for not going to
prison. With everyone in Pine Valley's favorite chief of police gone, who is
going to do them all those favors now perhaps, Lea?
Zach (TK) is one of the few actors on the show that can possibly pull off
casual small talk. I always liked his scenes with the really young
actors/actresses on the show, and he does well with his the older kids as well.
Miranda (Denyse Tontz) does look like Eden Riegel (Bianca) especially when she
Wow! Jesse's office on AMC.2 is way nicer than his cinderblock office on the
old set. It was fitting to see him pack up and look at a photo of Angie and
Cass, but it would have been nice to see pictures of Brot, Natalia, Frankie, and
Randi. Maybe contractually they can't use their pictures.
I am getting curious to what Jane's story is going to be. Hopefully, the new
episodes they are taping in August will address that matter.
Love watching great scenes between the top-heavy hitters like Darnell and
Vincent (Jesse and David). No matter what the scene is about, the dialog is
always perfect and the acting wonderful. I wondered if some of the rehashing of
past "crimes" is for the benefit of new viewers?
Just a small point, I am always amazed when people have to put necklaces on
themselves or someone else. I can't do it that fast in my own home, and they do it
in one take and in seconds. Amazing!
Watching the scene between Colby and Celia in Celia's room was actually
sweet. I kept wondering if they would eventually become friends? Would Colby be
another "Bad" Girl who eventually softens up? (i.e. Gillian, Brooke, Amanda,
Julia, and Madison to name a few)
Zach and Miranda shop faster than a speeding bullet!
I'm not really sure at this point but could Billy Clyde really be changing and
be on the up and up?
I usually don't talk about upcoming episodes, but I am curious about Dr.
Anders' back-story and the girl in the picture.
Well, that's about all for now. Have a great week.
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 7/31/13
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