Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

I say brava to Sal Stowers (Cassandra) and her gut-wrenching reaction to the
pregnancy. For a newbie, she is giving a wonderful performance. Isn’t Cassandra a little too early in her pregnancy to feel the baby kicking?
Minor point.
As I said last time, I think Bianca is in a better position to talk to
Cassandra about her situation than anyone. This also might segue into Miranda
finding out the origins of her conception.
Does Miranda know (I doubt it) how her sister Gabby was conceived?
So if Gabby is with Bianca, then she (Gabby) knows about Kendall?
I thought that Uri had found out who Cassandra was before she had sex with
any customers and kept her with him. Could that mean Uri is the father of her
baby? How she handles the decision whether to keep the baby or not, if Uri is the
father, could have serious long lasting repercussions.
Obviously Angie wants this baby not to be aborted, so this could be a decisive
moment between her and Jesse that tips Angie towards David. Also, if Jesse goes
to jail (if only temporarily), will David use that to swoop in on Angie?
There is something nice about Zach being old fashioned about dating/sex.
Glad Jesse agreed to talk to Joe. Nobody can reach Tad? What is he working
for the government? What could he being investigating that he can't be reached?
Lea has beautiful hair, but like Liza, it is too much. I think less hair would
be more flattering to her face.
Darnell and Debbi once again deliver outstanding performances.
Angie’s beliefs, strength, and faith are so strong that she has a hard time
understanding those who don’t have that same spirit.
I know there are fans that want to see Miranda and AJ as a couple, but my
opinion is they make way better friends.
Glad Opal mentioned Sam, her last boyfriend. Good catch by the writers about
the past years, but they don’t say what happened.
Thank you Zach for understanding what Jesse did and forgiving him.
I know there is something up with Dr. Anders. I can’t wait to find out what.
Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 7/20/13
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