Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Cara really has a double standard. David is a monster, and she has to hide their child, but JR is okay? He killed his wife.

I see security at “Casa Chandler” is still terrible. That guy just walks in the house?

Once again Debbi Morgan and Darnell Williams show us how to knock their scenes right out of the park!

I am glad Cassandra is home. Though David found her by chance, I think a polite thank you is in order. I appreciated that Jesse had the decency to do that. I am hoping that Cassandra will not have an overnight recovery physically or emotionally from her ordeal. I think this actress has the chops to play this story out, struggling with the demons she has dealt with, much like a rape victim does.

It has been five years and Dixie and Tad are just engaged? Why haven't they gotten married yet?

I liked when Uri was talking to Jesse, he mentioned Brot, Natalia, Frankie, and Randi. Again it gives the show roots, makes new viewers aware of family relationships and leaves the door open for these characters to make a return. Uri might go away for a while, and Jesse will never know when he will pop back into his life again. Uri is right about one thing, he does "own" Jesse now.

OMG! Billy Clyde bought Cortlandt Manor! I can't wait till people in Pine Valley find this out. I can't even imagine how Opal will react. I did find it hard to believe that she would have sold the mansion in the first place.

On Wednesday's episode, I found the dialog between the characters very awkward. Especially when one character was exiting the scene. For example, why would Opal offer to take the notes Celia had to Brooke? Or when Cara remembered getting brownies for Oliver? It did not seem natural.

Well, that's about all for now. Have a great week.

I would love to hear from any of my readers.

Patti G


Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 6/19/13

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