Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

I have been watching AMC for many, many years and have always been proud that they have taken a stand on many controversial topics. Years ago, the character Devon Shepherd was seeing a therapist who was gay, and Devon thought she might be gay as well. This was way back in the 70’s, so you can understand how this was received at the time by many. Later on, Laurel Banning (Lily’s mother) had a brother who came to town. His name was Michael Delaney. He was a teacher at the high school, and he was gay. He had a relationship that many in Pine Valley did not understand or approve of. There was another young character that was just coming to terms with his sexuality and being gay. Surprisingly, it was Palmer Cortlandt who was one of this young boy's biggest defenders and supporters.

I bring this up because I am a bit disappointed with how they have treated the character of Bianca over the years. Bianca revealing that she was gay was a big deal on the show. She has always been very vocal about her sexuality and defending gay rights. In the beginning, Bianca had a relationship with a girl from school who was gay. The mother of this girl talked her out of the relationship with Bianca and even got her daughter to marry a boy. Bianca then became involved with Maggie Stone. This relationship ended. Next it was a relationship with Reese. That also ended. Finally at the end of the show on ABC, Bianca had fallen in love with Marissa. We now find out it was Marissa that was shot and killed the night of the party. First, why are all of Bianca’s love interests women who had previously not been in gay relationships and then suddenly realized they were gay? Are there no gay women that Bianca can meet and have a relationship with? It would be nice to see her meet a gay woman, have the normal relationship with ups and downs, and finally maybe get married and have the normal married life’s ups and downs.

WOW! Miranda thinks Bianca used a sperm donor. That’s going to be some reveal. I cannot believe that in all this time no one has ever slipped and mentioned that Miranda was born from Bianca being raped? If the kids in her school know so much about her mom being gay, I find it hard to believe, with the internet, that no one has found this information out and used it against Miranda before now.

Dixie’s upset about David shooting JR? What about JR killing Marissa? I have been watching these past two weeks. While David shooting JR was wrong, he went to prison. Everyone seems to be treating JR like he did nothing. I would think now that JR has come out of his coma, he would be charged with Marissa’s death. I feel bad for AJ. His father killed his mother and his grandfather shot his father. I also feel bad for David, who has once again lost another child.

Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

Patti G


Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 5/11/13

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