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AMC Articles

Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Well, All My Children is back!

I have read many posts on what you have all thought about the new show, and now I would like to weigh in with my opinion.

I have to start by saying the sets are just incredible. I want to live in Angie and Jesse’s house.

I have to admit I was startled when I heard both Jesse and Zach curse. It is not so much that I was bothered by what they said, more like it was weird hearing characters I have watched for so long say something I never expected to hear them say. I also realized then that there will be a big difference on the show regarding content, now that they are no longer under the thumb of the censors. I think that, within reason, having the characters swear makes them more realistic, but I hope that they do not go overboard with the language just because they can.

We got some answers to what happened over the past five years and why certain characters are not there. I was glad they addressed the Kendall matter. I hope that they will expand upon this some more in the future. It also appears to me that Tad was the one that got shot at the party five years ago, but I could be wrong.

I am a bit surprised by how nice Adam is behaving. I found the interaction between him and Peter a little over the top. I hope that Adam has not become too tame in the new incarnation.

I was happy to see that Angie and David have kept their new friendship from when the show ended to this new version. I am very curious as to why David was sent to jail for the shooting.

Miranda is pretty much what I pictured her to be like, but I find AJ a little too nice. I would have preferred him to have a bit more edge to him.

Yes, I am curious about the new character, Celia. I hope it is not too long before we find out who her guardian is, and I wonder if it is someone that we already know. Her situation reminds me a little of how Palmer treated Nina when they first came on the show.

I have to admit that it took me a minute to recognize who the actress is playing Evelyn: Francesca James.

I was a bit confused when Opal asked Peter to help fix the mess that Caleb left Cortlandt Electronics in. Hadn’t Caleb been gone from the show long before it ended?

Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

I would love to hear from any of my readers.

Patti G


Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 5/2/13

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